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Bey's POV
All right, todays the day I tell him. Oh I'm soo nervous😓I moved in with him cause I couldn't stand living in that house full of bad memories. He even makes me breakfast every morning. He treats me very well and my doubts have disappeared. I come down stairs and see him cooking breakfast in nothing but sweatpants. I hug him from behind and give him a kiss.
Chris: good morning baby
Bey: good morning babe*hiding it behind her back*
He puts me up on the counter.
Bey: um, Chris, I'm a I have something to tell you. But just know, I love you and I will do anything for you. You are and always have been the complete love of my life.
Chris: you are the love of my life too baby. I'd kill for you, I mean I have before and still will lol
Bey: ha ha ha. Ok, you ready?
Chris: *giggles in confusion* ready for wh-*she shows him the pregnancy test* OMG ARE YOU SERIOUS?!
Bey: *nervous* y-yea um, how do yo-
Chris: YAYYY!!!😄🥳 *he spins her around and around*
Bey: oh ok baby imma throw up!
Chris: oh sorry*puts her down and kisses her* omg! I'm so happy baby! We gotta tell the fam! I'm gonna have kids with the love of my life. How many weeks you think you are?
Bey: hard to tell cause we bang every day aha! Ima go to the doctor to talk abt it at 1:00. Wait! What time is it?
Chris: 12:40! Babe we gotta hurry! Omg I'm so excited! Remember we used to pretend our toys were our kids?!
Bey: haha yea I remember! Until you stepped on Chris Jr. running to go get a soda!
Chris: aha my bad but ain't gonna do that wit this one!
We get dressed and ready and I take toast with me and head out the door. We get in the car and Chris drives me to the doctor.
Chris: have you told anyone yet?
Bey: nope, just took the test early this morning and wanted to tell you first. After the doctors, we can discuss how we wanna tell them. I was so nervous for some reason.
Chris: if I would be upset? Hell no baby! We've got a career, we love each other tremendously, I've always wanted to propose to you, and I wanna spend forever with you! You're my everything and having a baby is another sign of our love *grabs hand and kisses it* I love you soo fucking much baby!
Bey: *crying* aww baby that was so sweet! I love you too!
We finally arrive at the doctors. We get out and I feel a tad bit nauseas. We get in right on time and the doctor takes us right away and we go into the room.
Doc: well Beyoncé, you told me on the phone that you took a pregnancy test and have been experiencing symptoms of pregnancy!
Bey: yea! I just wanna make sure everything is ok.
Doc: well, as much as I wanna say congratulations, not all pregnancy tests in stores are accurate. So we would like for you to take one here. It'll take 2 minutes to process.
Bey: oh*disappointed but still have hope* ok
I get up and leave and go to the bathroom to take their tests.
Chris POV
Chris: so you're telling me, she might not actually be pregnant?
Doc: it's a possibility. Have you guys had intercourse in the past month.
Chris: ahaha more like every single day and chance we get, yes.
Doc: aha well, have y'all been trying for a baby?
Chris: not really but we always talked about getting married and then having one. But I told her whatever happens, is ok. As long as we stay together.
Doc: that's very nice of you man. Y'all are good together.
Bey comes out of the bathroom and hands the doc the cup and leaves the room. Bey starts crying.
Chris: aww baby, whats the matter?*stands and hugs her*
Bey: what if we aren't expecting? Would you be mad if I still wanted to wait to have one?
Chris: baby, your body your choice. I support you and will be patient As long as you need me to be
Bey: you're so sweet baby!
2 minutes later...
She keeps pacing back and forth l.
Bey: common where the fuck is he??
Chris: baby relax he sh-here he is
The doc comes in and dosent look happy.
Doc: I'm so sorry, you guys are not expecting.
Bey starts bawling. I hug her tight. The doc apologizes and leaves the room. We grab our stuff and head back to the car. It's a long quiet ride home. I hate seeing my baby upset.
Chris: well you know baby, we can try if you want. I mean we were using birth control ya know. But you know, I can pull over and put some in ya rn😉
Bey: aha, thanks baby, but I kinda wanna wait until after we get married. But I feel bad to keep you wa-
Chris: baby, I told you. I will wait as long as you need me to. I love you
Bey: I love you too. *kiss* at least we got a nice home to go to sit and rela-OMG!
Chris: WTF!
We pull up to the front of our house and it's on fire. There's two fire trucks and paramedics and helicopters. This day just keeps getting worse and worse. We get out and the whole block is smoking.
Fireman: Mr and Mrs. Brown?
Bey: yes?
Fireman: your neighbors called and said there was a fire in the kitchen, then the whole house exploded! Are you both alright?
Chris: omg! Beyoncé! I left the food on the stove! I didn't turn off the stove!
Bey: oh Christopher!
Chris: *grabs head and starts hyperventilating* omg omg omg omg *weazing*
Bey:*coughs* Baby! It was an accident! Too much smoke!
Fireman: you guys! Get in the car and get out of here! We will give you a call when it's clear! Head to somewhere safe!
We hop in the car and drive off quick.
Chris: *crying* baby! I'm so fuckin sorry! I had no idea. And ya ain't pregnant! Man could this day get any wo-
Bey: OMG!! OWWW!!!
We both scream in pain and agony. We crashed into a cargo truck. It was drifting and headed straight for us and we crashed. It hit more of my side then Bey's. The place where I got shot at has a piece of glass in it. There's blood everywhere. Bey just has a simple cut on her head and arms. I have cuts everywhere as well.
Bey's POV
I look over to see the spot where he got shot at is bleeding. The truck driver knocks on our door yelling at us to get out. The car starts to light on fire along with the truck. I unbuckle is both. I get out and Chris legs are trapped.
Chris: AH! Baby! Just go! Leave!
Bey: no! Hey can you pls help me! My boyfriend is trapped!
Truck driver (TD): ok but we gotta hurry!
The dashboard is caved in on his legs. We try and push the dashboard up but it's barely moving. The truck engine is about to explode any second.
Bey: COMMON!!! *crying* Baby! Can you move your legs?!
Chris: yes but it hurts! Just go Beyoncé! I love you! Just go!
Bey: Chris stop!
The truck driver pushes again with all his might but the whole truck catches on fire. He tries pushing me away but I resist.
TD: Beyonce! Come on it's gonna explode!
Bey: NO I AM NOT LEAVING! Common! We can do this!
I look at him
Bey: please!
He pushes the dashboard again and I help him. It starts cracking and moving. I grab Chris arm around my neck and I pull him out and the guy helps. He carry's Chris legs. We run and our cars explode. We made it out just in time. We get on the nearby field and lay Chris down. I wipe my tears and the guy puts him down and we look at his bloody legs.
Bey: Chris baby!
TD: *calls 911* Hello! We have crashed on route 22 and we have two injured here! Our cars have caught fire!
Operator: ok, we are tracking your location. We will be there in 5-8 minutes.
People are coming over from the highway. There's a group of people taking pictures and attending to us. Chris passes out from the pain and I pick the glass out of me and him. I leave the one where he got shot at alone until the paramedics come here
Bey: baby! Baby wake up!
We hear the paramedics come and they jump out and also the firemen hose the cars down.
Paramedic: hey! Over here! Ok Beyoncé, we are gonna take care of you
Paramedic #2: Chris, can you hear us?*shines light in his eye* he's cut up bad, oxygen is low. Common, let's get them out of here!
Bey: Chris*faints*
How's the story going so far? Anything I should change? Comment below!

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