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Chris POV
Everyday, it's hard to keep hearing news about the love of your life be married to someone else. I have dreamed of talking to Beyoncé again but Jay won't let that happen and it's always the wrong timing. Right before we broke up, I had a ring already to go and was gonna marry the girl. I looked at the ring and then thought back to our future. She has no idea to this day still that I was gonna propose before we broke up. Once we broke up, I did not have any more serious relationships. I just can't find the one. I want Bey back so bad! Jay dosent even care for her the way that I did. I can tell he's just using her. But she'll find out one day. I dream of having her back in my arms. I've tried soo many ways to try and reach her but it never works. Maybe things will change one day🤷🏾‍♂️

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