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Bey's POV
We are in the waiting room and Chris and I haven't talked since last night. I'm so anxious. I don't know if I should keep Chris around. Last night sex was a mistake. A lady calls us in and we follow her and we all sit in her room. Chris and I sit away from each other in the couch.
Linda: ok so my name is Linda and just to sneak this in real quick, I am a huge fan of both of you and it's an honor to counsel you both today.
C&B: aha thanks!
Bey: yea just don't fuck her Chris
He eye rolls and Linda has a 😬 face.
Linda: ok, so. Can you both explain you both are here today? Beyoncé, let's start with you.
Bey: well, I'm pregant but don't tell anyone-
Linda: *claps* aww yay! congratulations!!
Bey: haha thank you! But here's the issue with Chris and I. For the past few weeks, we have not been getting along at all. He's sloppy, rude, and had everything he's just so fucking annoying
Chris: ha yea ok. I'm trying to subside your bullshit and you claim to call me annoying.
Linda: ok ok, Let's let me Beyonce finish.
Bey: the other night, we had a fight. I told him something that I should've have even thought of or said out loud. I said I felt like this baby should've been Jay's, me ex husband, and Chris got mad, left the house at 12am after we had a pregnancy party with our family. He went to the club, got a bunch of chicks on him, and fucked 11 hoes like my ex husband, Jay did. Jay got 11 side pieces pregnant and kept it a secret and I found out right before he died after all those years of us being together. And I pray that those 11 hoes Chris fucked are not pregnant.
Linda: may I ask why would you say you wish the child was Jays.
Bey: *tears up* maybe because I still carry a lot of guilt. I feel responsible for his death. I guess.
Linda: I'm very much aware as to how everything went down according to you in interviews speaking out. But you know what honey, he was just using you. He didn't care for you. Not the same way that Chris does
Chris: THANK YOU! I love you Beyonce!! He was nothing. I saved your life!
Bey: I'm sorry than. I have a little PTSD from that moment. I did show Chris afterwards my appreciation tho. *giggles and he does as well*
Linda: well how? Like a nice talk, a date, some presents? A nice watch?
Bey: um well more like sex.
We both blush and Linda giggles.
Linda: ok, that's another way to thank him.
Chris: oh trust me Linda, I felt her appreciation
He winks at me and I get shivers.

 Chris: oh trust me Linda, I felt her appreciation He winks at me and I get shivers

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Linda: ok so I see sex is not an issue

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Linda: ok so I see sex is not an issue. So Chris let's head your side of the story.
Chris: well, I have been a nice and SUPPORTIVE husband and she has the audacity to have arguments about stupid shit. I cook, I clean, I work, for the past couple weeks I've been helping her with wedding planning. Everything. All she wants to do is yell at me.
Bey: omg he's so exhadurative! We fight cause he can be an extreme asshole sometimes and is lazy af!

 Bey: omg he's so exhadurative! We fight cause he can be an extreme asshole sometimes and is lazy af!

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Chris: whattt?! See this the shit I'm talking about. She makes no fucking sense. She thinks I lie all the time too! I won't even leave the house for 2 days and she'll accuse me of cheating when I didn't do anything! And that shit pisses me off! I can't deal with her bullshit no more! I can't do-
Bey: oh yea okay the fuckin pitty card! Cause the other night, you really used your words instead of putting your dick in random women! And leaving me alone! So fuck you!
Linda: ok ok ok, let's calm down, take a deep breath.
We both take a deep breath. But Chris just bawls.
Chris: I love her with all my heart. Beyoncé I don't want to keep fighting. I want us to be back to being in love with eachother and not yelling.
Bey: I do to but I just cant stand you and after the other night, I don't know how we will move on.
Linda: ok, here is what I think. Whenever I see couples start to annoy each other, just won't stop arguing with each other, it's usually healthy for a break. Just a week or two to gather thoughts together, breath and just think. Now I am also a licensed sex therapist as well and I would like to ask if you both had sex the past few weeks that y'all have been fighting?
C&B: no.
Chris: well not until last night in the shower
Bey: omg*blushes*
Linda: ok and how did you feel and what did you say to each other? Beyoncé you first?
Bey: well, we started getting it on in the shower and we felt eachothers sorrow. We said sorry the whole time during sex and we, well at least I, felt pain and love. And *closes her eyes* man was his dick good af*moans* sorry. Omg.
Chris laughs and gets closer.
Linda: well ok then. *giggles* so I'm going to assume that sex is not an issue in this relationship.
Bey: fuck no, he's put it down good!
Chris: and her pussy is the best. Es-
Linda: ok, well remember this, at the end of the day, sex dosent always fix everything. I'm glad you two feel love, but at the same time, you guys came right back here the day after having intercourse. Do you see what I mean?
B&C: yea damn
Bey: I'm so sorry Chris. I really am. *crying* I don't know what's been wrong with me. I'm happy then I'm sad then pissed at him. I wanna control it I do.
Linda: well honey, those are hormones. Usually husbands get a lil heat from there wives during pregnancy. You have to seperate yourself if you know you're about to blow up on Chris. And Chris, going to the club and having sex with other women dosent resolve anything.
Chris: I'm embarrassed and ashamed I did that. But the fact that she wants me to come here today, I'm hoping that I gain her trust.
Linda: it'll take time. She loves you, don't you Beyonce?
Bey: with everything in me. I love you*kisses him and he kisses back* I really am sorry.
Chris: I love you too baby and I'm sorry too. So Linda what you're telling me is that we can no longer have sex?
Bey: Christopher *blushes*
Linda: only if you're fighting, should you guys not have sex. Seems like that won't be the issue but remember, it dosent always fix everything. Well it looks like our session has come to an end. I'll see you both next week.
We thank her and hug her. We hold hands walking back to the car and fuck!! Paparazzi is pulling up. We run to the car, hop in and he drives off.
Bey: I'm glad you came with me today. I really am. *kisses his hand*
Chris: me too baby. And you talking about how good I am during sex, you got me a little hot.
Bey: so did your wink. Can you fuck me?
Chris POV
She snakes her hand down my jeans and boxers and grabs my growing dick. She unbuttons them and pulls them to my ankles, nearly making me crash. She reaches over and gives me head. We are only 5 minutes away from home and we can't wait. Once we get home, I bust in her mouth. We run in and make up sex. I think we are heading in the right direction.

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