Max Asher (For ayeee_its_crystal)

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You were best friends with Max Asher.

You had been best friends since before he could even ride a snowboard.

Max’s new fame had changed him and you found your friendship in ruins.

After hearing he had moved back to your town, you simple scoffed and rolled your eyes.

You stopped caring about him the minute he decided you were insignificant enough to leave behind.

However, when you entered school, you didn’t expect him to be opening a locker next to yours.

You took in a deep breath and ignored him, opening your own locker and preparing for the day.

When you closed your locker, he was staring at you.

“Do i know you?” he asked.

“Nope,” you said, turning to walk away.

At that moment, your friend decided to run up to you.

“Y/N! Y/N!” she called, “You’ll never guess what-”

Max cut her off.

“Oh my God, Y/N?” he asked.

You grabbed your friend and dragged her somewhere else.

The day was spent avoiding Max’s gaze in class and a confrontation in the hall.

Luckily, school finished fast and you headed home, where you found safety.

A knock on the door quickly changed that.

You opened the door and the knocker shoved their way in.

“Hey!” you protested.

You noticed it was Max.

“What the hell?” you asked.

“Why are you avoiding me?” he asked bluntly.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about. Please leave,” you said.

He shut the door and took your hand, dragging you to the couch and making you sit.

“What do you want?” you groaned.

“We used to be best friends,” he said.

“So?” you asked, “The past is the past.”

“You’re mad at me,” he sighed.

“No duh. You try being left behind by your best friend,” you said, rolling your eyes.

“I had to leave you behind,” he said.

“And why is that?” you asked.

“You were a distraction,” he said.

“A distraction?” you repeated.

He nodded.

You scoffed.

“How was I a distraction?” you asked.

“I was…,” he paused, “I am. I still am.”

You were confused.

“You are what?” you questioned.

“In love with you,” he smiled softly.

You got angry.

“That’s not funny,” you growled, “Now leave.”

You tried to stand up, but Max pushed you back in your seat.

He quickly leaned down and snatched your lips with his, holding your face in his hands.

You melted into the kiss.

You both pulled away for a breath.

You were both blushing.

“I love you,” he said.

You hesitated.

“I love you too,” you said softly.

He kissed you again.

“Just promise you won’t leave me behind again,” you said.

“No worries, bro.”

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