Logan/Wolverine (Savior)

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You were headed for the train.

You had to get to work.

You hated being late. Your boss honestly scared you. You didn’t know why, he just had that feeling about him.

You smiled as your train arrived.

You took an empty seat and looked around.

You noticed that the train only had three people.

You shrugged it off. You shouldn’t be complaining.

A man entered the train and sat next to you.

The train took off and a man on the other side of the train entered.

He was wearing a suit with flames on it.

He was headed towards you.

You would normally ignore him, except for the fact that his hand had small balls of flames in them.

You gasped in shock.

“Hello, Y/N Y/L/N,” the man smirked.

Everyone began screaming.

“How… How do you know my name? Who… Who even are you?” You stammered.

“The brotherhood sends its regards,” he winked.

The man sitting next to you stood up in front of you.

“You aren't hurting this girl. Not today. Not ever,” he growled.

You watched claws extend from his knuckles.

You watched the fire get thrown at him.

You used your powers to create a protection shield around him.

He turned to you.

“Thanks. I got this,” he said.

You dropped the shield and watched as he tackled the man.

By the time the train pulled into the next stop, the fire man had been incapacitated by your saviour.

“How can I thank you?” you asked him.

He retracted his claws.

He held out his hand to you.

“You can come with me, Y/N,” he spoke.

You took a deep breath and grabbed his hand.

It had been seven months since that day.

You were currently residing in Charles Xavier School for mutants.

Logan, also known as the Wolverine, had brought you here for protection and to help you understand and train your abilities better.

You and Logan had become close.

But two months ago, he had taken off.

You hadn't seen him since.

Tonight, you were thirsty, so you went down to the kitchen to grab a beer.

As you entered, you spotted a figure.

You brushed it off as another student.

You grabbed your beer and were about to head back to your room when arms wrapped around your waist.

“No welcome back?” a voice whispered playfully in your ear.

You recognized the voice immediately.

You turned around in his arms and hugged him properly.

“Logan!” You exclaimed, “I missed you!”

“I know you did,” he replied, jokingly.

“Welcome back,” you said, kissing his cheek.

Logan stared at you for a second before brushing his lips against yours.

You raised an eyebrow at him.

“I’m not a one night stand, Logan,” you warned.

“I know you’re not. I, uh, I don’t do the whole feeling thing. But, I , er, like you, Y/N,” Logan said, crossing his arms.

“In that case,” You smiled, pressing your lips fully on his.

“I’m not just a lay, Y/N,” Logan mocked.

“I don’t do the whole feelings thing. But I think I can make an exception,” You teased.

Logan kissed you again.

“Want to go drink beers and hang out in your room?” he asked.

“Sounds like a plan,” you grinned.

Logan grabbed a pack of beers and you kept the one you already had.

You both walked to your room.

Little did you now, Professor Xavier was watching you two.

“Finally,” he muttered, “It only took forever.”

Cyclops owed him $50.

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