Dean Winchester (Pregnant)

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You bit your lip as you opened your eyes to read the pregnancy test. You had been getting sick in the mornings and vomiting. You also missed your period for the month. But the idea of pregnancy didn’t hit you until you made a joke to your friend that your boobs had gotten bigger. She said the same thing happened to her sister, but she had been pregnant.

You had been dating Dean Winchester for almost a year and of course, there was a lot of sex. So here you were, having a heart attack about to find out if you were pregnant or not.

You sighed and snapped your eyes open.

A plus sign.

“I’m pregnant,” You whispered.

Your mind formed a quick plan. You hid the pregnancy test in one of Dean’s duffels that he rarely took on hunts. You knew he would never see it and it would be better than throwing it out because he might go through the trash.

You walked out into the living room to see Dean drinking a beer on the couch.

“Hey, Dean,” You said, sitting next to him.

“Hey, Y/N. Want some?” he asked, offering you his beer.

“No thanks,” you said.

He shrugged and went back to drinking.

“How’s Sam?” You asked.

“Good. He found a girl,” Dean spoke.

“That’s great,” You smiled.

You paused.

“Hey Dean, we’ve talked about everything but kids. And I want to know your opinion on the subject,” you spoke slowly.

“Easy. I don’t want them. Like, ever,” He chuckled.

“Bad experiences with them?” you pushed.

“Just don’t really like them,” he shrugged.

Your heart sank, but you hid it well.

He looked at you weirdly.

“I’d probably just leave if some girl told me she was pregnant,” He told you.

His phone went off and he checked it.

“Sam’s got another case. I’ll be home later, okay?” Dean said, going to kiss you.

You fake coughed and moved your head to the side. Dean eyed you weirdly, but kissed your forehead. He went and grabbed his duffel. Your eyes widened as you noticed it was the duffel he hardly ever used and had your pregnancy test in it.

“Just my luck,” you muttered.

Dean left and you began to pack up your things quickly. You realized you were hungry, so you placed your bags by the door and made a quick dinner. After about an hour, you were ready to leave.

You picked up your bags and walked out the door. Just as Dean parked the Impala. You noticed Sam looking like he was going to have a heart attack in the passenger’s seat.

“Oh shit,” you said.

“Y/N!” Dean shouted at you as he got out.

He walked over to you, holding the pregnancy test.

“Is this-,” He stopped when he saw your bags, “Where are you going?”

“I’m leaving,” You told him.

“Why?” he asked, hurt.

“I’m pregnant,” you admitted.

Dean’s face softened.

“Y/N, I’m not going to leave you,” he whispered, “And I’m not letting you leave either.”

He pulled the bags out of your hands and put them inside before pushing you inside.

“I’m going to be a dad,” He smiled, kissing you and then your stomach.

“Yes you are,” You laughed.

Dean hugged you tight.

“You forgot Sam in the car,” you whispered in his ear.

You watched your boyfriend run outside with a laugh.

Winchesters, man.

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