Void!Stiles (for dylanxbrien)

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You had always had a crush on Stiles Stilinski.

However, you were Lydia’s best friend and you always knew he had a crush on Lydia.

The way he looked at her, the way he tried to always be next to her, the way he spoke to her, even the way he he said her name.

Jealousy was never in your nature, so you just gave up after a while of trying to get his attention.

You knew about the supernatural beings in Beacon Hills.

Lydia had told you everything after discovering from Scott, Allison, and Stiles that she was a banshee.

Lydia could never keep a secret from you.

No one else could discover your knowledge, so you were always Lydia’s insider.

Lately, Lydia had filled you in on this weird japanese legend that was causing trouble.

A dark kitsune.

She wanted you to keep an eye out for anyone with personality changes and alert her immediately.

After agreeing to do so, you hung up your phone.

You wanted to go to bed.

As you were laying down, you heard a bang from downstairs.

Being a teenage girl home alone, your imagination went into overdrive.

It could be a robbery, a serial killer, a monster, or even worse, a friend.

Your friends were always trying to play pranks on you because you never really got scared.

That wasn’t true, you just hid it well.

When you heard what sounded like footsteps, you stood up and grabbed a bat that you had for protection and slank downstairs.

You hid behind the wall as a figure approached.

When they got close enough, you swung, catching the intruder in the head and throwing them backwards.

“OW! Y/N?!” you heard someone exclaim.

You quickly turned on the lights to see Stiles rubbing his head, a bit of blood falling.

“Oh God, Stiles! I’m so sorry!” you said, helping him to sit on your couch while you go the first aid kit.

“What are you doing running around with a bat?” he asked.

You sat in front of him.

“What are you doing breaking into people’s houses?” you replied.

“Touche,” he muttered.

You pressed an alcohol pad to his head and he winced.

“Sorry,” you said, “So why are you here?”

“Lydia told me you knew everything about what was going on. I wanted to warn you about the newest creature in Beacon Hills,” he said.

You finished cleaning his wound and put a bandage on it.

“Well, Lydia already told me. Thanks for the concern, though,” you informed him, “You might have a concussion, you should stay awake for a while.”

You stood to walk away, but Stiles grabbed your wrist and pulled you onto his lap.

“I know a way to stay awake,” he said, kissing you hungrily.

You pulled away, just in time to watch Stiles’ eyes flash.

You gasped and his grip on your wrist tightened painfully.

“Tell anyone and your precious little Stiles dies with me,” the kitsune spoke.

You swallowed and nodded.

“Good girl,” he smirked, “Now about staying awake…”

Void!Stiles had a dangerous hold on you.

When everything was taken cared of and Stiles returned to normal with no memory of what happened between the two of you, you couldn’t decide if it was a good thing or a bad thing.

Maybe that made you more dangerous than you thought…

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