Dean Winchester (Daughter Part 1)

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You were smoking a cigarette, relaxing after leaving a diner.

You were on your way back to your motel after finishing a hunt.

You were going to sleep through the night and take off for another case in the morning.

Your phone rang.

It was Garth.

“Hey buddy,” you answered.

“Y/N, I need your help,” he said urgently.

“What’s wrong?” you asked, pulling the cigarette out of your mouth.

“I sent two hunters on a vampire case and I haven’t heard from them since they told me they knew where the nest was. I think they’ve been captured,” he said.

“Text me where they are. I’ll get your friends back,” you assured him.

“I don’t care what anyone says, Y/N. You may only be 16, but you are one of the best hunters out there,” Garth said.

“Thanks, Garth,” you smiled, hanging up.

You stomped out the cigarette and got into your ‘86 Mustang.

You drove to the warehouse Garth had texted you.

You got out your knife covered in dead man’s blood and put it in your boot. You put your gun filled with dead man’s blood bullets into your waistband. You held your machete in your hand.

You entered the warehouse quietly.

You snuck up behind a vampire and cut it’s head off.

Two vampires leapt at you and you easily sliced their heads off, too.

You were tackled from behind, causing the machete to fall from your grip.

You pulled the knife from your boot and stabbed the vampire on top of you in the heart before cutting it’s head off.

Three shoved you against the wall as you stood, pinning you.

You managed to nick them with the knife just enough, so they were weakened.

You then grabbed your machete from the floor and decapitated them.

You walked over to the two man tied to chairs, staring at you in shock.

“Garth sent me,” you shrugged.

You heard a footstep behind you.

You rolled your eyes and whipped out your gun, easily shooting the last vampire in the head.

You tucked your gun away and untied the two men.

“You two need to call Garth and let him know you’re alright,” you said.

“Y/N?” one of the guys asked.

You raised your gun and aimed.

“How do you know my name?” you asked.

“You’re my daughter,” he said, gruffly.

“Dean?” you asked, lowering your gun.

He nodded and you groaned, putting it away.

“This is little Y/N?” Sam gasped, “You’ve gotten so big!”

You rolled your eyes and the three of you exited the warehouse.

You lit up a cigarette and took a drag.

“Yeah, it happens,” you retorted.

Dean snatched the cigarette from your mouth and tossed it to the ground in front of you.

“What the fuck?” you growled.

“Why are you smoking?” he hissed, “And why are you hunting?”

“Because I can. Stop acting like a real father. You lost that right when you abandoned me,” you told him.

You lit up another cigarette.

“Touch it and I will stab you in the throat,” you warned.

“Where’s your mother?” Sam asked.

“The cemetery,” you replied, coldly.

“So who have you been driving around with?” Sam asked, apology and guilt lurking in his eyes.

“I was with my boyfriend, but we broke up and I took off,” you shrugged.

“Boyfriend?” Dean asked.

“Yeah. We were together three years,” you said.

“Why’d you break up?” he questioned.

“I stopped caring,” you answered.

Both boys shared a look.

“You’re coming with us,” Dean said.

“The hell I am,” you scoffed.

“You are. We can keep you safe,” Sam insisted.

“I’ve been doing that on my own,” you pointed out.

“Please, Y/N,” Dean begged.

And in that moment, you could have sworn you heard your mother’s voice telling you to go.

You sighed and got in the Impala.

The Winchesters took you to the bunker.

They introduced you to Castiel the angel.

“You’re Dean’s daughter?” he asked.

You nodded.

“Unfortunately,” you said.

“You can’t be here. It’s too dangerous,” Castiel told you.

“What is that supposed to-,” you began.

You were cut off by Castiel zapping you out.

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