Doctor (Daughter Part 1)

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The Doctor was running around the TARDIS, mumbling to himself.
He ran a shaky hand through his hair.
“What do I do?” he repeated.
River was wheezing and pushing on the floor of the console room.
“Doctor!” she screamed, “Get your stupid bow tie wearing butt in here and help me!”
The Doctor stopped and took a calming breath.
He kneeled in front of his wife as she pushed harder.
“Come on, Song. You can do this,” he assured her.
River took a deep breath and gave one last push.
The Doctor was suddenly holding a crying baby girl in his arms.
“Hello Sweetie,” River laughed, tiredly.
“We did it. Our own little baby girl,” the Doctor marveled.
He rocked the baby as the TARDIS whisked River away to get cleaned up.
The Doctor shut his eyes as a tear fell.
He kissed the child’s head.
The TARDIS suddenly landed and the Doctor stepped out, leaving the child on the porch of an orphanage.
“We will meet again,” he whispered, sadly.
The Doctor got back into the TARDIS and flew away.
River came out, cleaned and dressed.
She was smiling.
“Where is she?” she asked.
The Doctor turned, revealing his red eyes filled with tears.
River’s smile turned into a horrified glare.
“No… You didn’t…,” she stammered.
“River, I had to. She’s safe now,” he tried to reason.
River slapped him.
“She would have been safe with us!” she growled, retreating to her room.

That was 15 years ago.

You were unconscious, kidnapped by cybermen who had discovered your parentage.

You didn’t even know who you were.

So when you were slapped awake and dragged in front of a man and woman, you were scared out of your mind.

“Let me go!” You cried.

“Doctor, we have captured your child. We demand your surrender for her life,” the cyberman spoke.

“I’m not his child! You killed my parents,” you said, filling with anger.

The cyberman holding you tightened his grip.

You knew this meant not to speak.

“Okay, okay! Let her go! I surrender!” The Doctor said.

You were scanned.

“She is your weakness. She must be deleted. The Doctor must be tortured before he is deleted,” the lead cyberman spoke.

“Deleted?” you whimpered.

“No! You said!” the Doctor screamed.

You watched River thrash about in the cyber man's arms.

These people didn’t even know you and you didn’t know them, yet they did not want you to die.

You wondered who they could possibly be.

“Any last words, weakling?” the cyberman holding you asked.

Your anger took over.

“My name is Y/N Y/L/N and I am not weak!” you exclaimed, breaking free of his grip.

You used his arm to shoot and destroy the cybermen holding the two strangers.

“Get out of here!” you ordered.

“Behind you!” the woman screeched.

You turned, only to be hit by a blue flash of light.

You were dead.

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