Arthur Pendragon (Crazy?)

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You were deep in the forest, away from Camelot.

You and Merlin were best friends.

You had met Arthur a few times, but he treated you like a hand maiden.

He had no idea you were of noble blood.

When you revealed that to him, he laughed in your face and told you to go back to dreaming.

Merlin told him it was true and it left him shocked.

Today, Merlin was off.

He wanted to read, but you wanted to practice your archery.

“Please, Merlin. I miss shooting my bow and arrow,” You pleaded.

“Fine. You shoot and I’ll read,” he agreed.

“You’re the best,” you grinned.

So here you two were.

You were loading up an arrow.

You closed your eyes and took aim.

You felt the arrow leave your bow and heard it hit something.

You opened your eyes and smiled, seeing you had hit a bull’s eye.

“Oh, how I missed this,”  you said to Merlin.

“You’re an archer?” you heard.

You turned to see Arthur standing behind Merlin.

You nodded.

Arthur grabbed your bow and quiver.

“Such things are not for noble ladies, Y/N,” he said with a smirk.

“Arthur, I wouldn’t do that,” Merlin commented.

“Shut up, Merlin,” Arthur sneered.

A fury grew within you.

You snatched your bow and quiver back.

“Do not touch that which is not yours. And if you dare tell me my limits again, I will shoot an arrow up your arse. Go bombard someone else with your stupidity,” you spat.

Arthur looked taken aback.

“Think you could win a sword fight against me? Of all people?” Arthur challenged.

You handed Merlin your bow and quiver to hold.

“I accept your challenge, Arthur,” You nodded.

Arthur handed you the lesser of his two swords.

You spun it in your hands, learning the balance.

Arthur slashed at you, but you side stepped and deflected it.

Within a few moves, you had Arthur pinned with your sword at his throat.

“Believe me now?” you asked.

He nodded, with wide eyes.

You stood and helped Arthur rise.

You handed him back his sword and turned to Arthur.

Merlin was gone.

Your bow and quiver were leaning against a tree.

You picked them up.

“Would it be crazy to say I love you, Y/N?” Arthur asked.

“I’d say you were absolutely mad,” you responded.

Arthur grabbed your waist and kissed you passionately.

“I think i love you,” he said.

“I think i love you, too,” you replied.

“Does this make us both crazy?” he asked.

“Absolutely mad.”

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