Jed and Octavius (for KatieWeasley394)

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You were a miniature wax figure in the museum.

You were a figurine of a famous Time Agent who died during a big time war while working for Torchwood.

Of course, you knew you weren’t real.

But you felt real and you seemed real, and that’s all that mattered.

You were best friends with Jed and Octavius.

The three of you liked to pass the time sharing stories of your adventures.

The thing was, you had a huge crush on both of them.

As per usual with all boys, they were totally oblivious.

You decided tonight was the night you get them to figure it out.

You walked over to your little meeting place in the center of the museum.

Jed and Octavius were already there.

You put on your flirtiest voice.

“Hello, boys,” you said, sitting with them.

“Howdy, Katie,” Jed said.

“Hello, Katie,” Octavius nodded.

You fought the urge to roll your eyes.

“What’d I miss?” you asked.

“Nothing. Just talking about how we haven’t seen out guard buddy, Larry, in a while,” Jed shrugged.

“Aw, don’t you boys have anything better to talk about?” you teased.

“Not really,” Octavius said.

“What about me? You could always talk about me,” you said.

“Nah, that’s okay,” Jed said.

“I should tell you a story about when I raged war on a poor village, only to save the from death,” Octavius offered.

“I should tell a story about my first rodeo,” Jed said.

You were getting annoyed.

“I could tell you all the story of how I almost became Queen of Greece. It all started when I met this cute boy-,” you began.

“I am a Roman. We don’t get along with the Greeks. You would have been an enemy, Katie,” Octavius interrupted.

“Aren’t Greeks and Romans the same?” Jed asked.

That sparked off another argument between the two.

They frequently did this.

You found it aggravating.

You wondered how they could be so oblivious when you were being so painfully obvious.

“Boys,” you called.

You wanted to grab their attention.

“Boys,” you called again.

They continued arguing.

“Guys, come on. Not again,” you groaned.

The two only got louder.

You finally got so worked up, you whistled a sharp and loud whistle that caught their attention.

“Are you two kidding me? You always do this! You guys are always arguing and it’s making you so freaking blind, I swear to God!” you practically shouted, “You know what, I give up.”

You turned and walked back to your place.

Jed and Octavius looked at each other as you walked off.

“You know, I think she was trying to tell us something,” Jed said.

“I agree,” Octavius nodded.

“What was it?” Jed questioned.

“I do not know,” Octavius said, shaking his head.

Jed shrugged.

“I guess we’ll figure it out tomorrow,” he said.

Jed and Octavius walked off to their own places.

Ugh, boys.

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