Isaac Lahey (Changes)

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You weren’t the only nerd in your school, but you were the only one without friends.

You used to have a friend. He was your very best friend.

Isaac Lahey.

Now, the name made your blood boil.

He had changed himself to gain more friends and popularity.

He tried to make you change with him, but you refused. You’d rather be alone than change yourself for anyone.

He just left you behind.

Every now and then you passed each other in the hall, but you ignored his glances and stares.

You were often bullied, but you let it slide.

Sometimes, Isaac would join in the teasing and that would break your heart. But you knew he wasn’t your friend anymore, so what did it matter.

One day, one of your bullies decided to punch you in the face, giving you a black eye.

They were no longer bullies, but tormentors.

You went home to find Isaac on your porch.

“What are you doing here, Lahey?” you asked, coldly.

You were surprised he still remembered where you lived.

“Y/N, we need to-,” he paused looking at your face, “What happened to your eye?”

“It doesn’t matter. What do you want?” you demanded.

“Someone punched you, didn’t they?” he asked.

“No shit,” you replied snarkily, “Now tell me what you want and leave.”

“I want my best friend back,” he whimpered.

“You’re the one that left, Isaac,” you reminded him.

“I know and I’m sorry. I just… I need you there for me,” he said.

“Isaac, I never stopped being there for you. You stopped being there for me. So I gave up,” you replied.

He looked down, ashamed.

“You can go now, Lahey. I’m sure your friends are waiting,” you prodded.

“Don’t be like that, Y/N,” he whispered.

“I’m only treating you like I treat everyone else,” you said harshly.

You could see the pain on Isaac’s face and you immediately wanted to take it back and hug him. But you knew it’d be the wrong thing to do. He’d never learn like that.

After a few seconds of painful silence, Isaac started to walk away.

You went inside and ran up to your room.

A tear fell and you quickly wiped it away.

The next day, Isaac followed you around. He thought you couldn’t see him, but you could.

You chose to ignore it, though. For his sake. You knew you had been hard on him yesterday.

As you were walking home, some kids circled you. They pushed you to the ground and begin to kick and punch you.

You heard shouting and the kids suddenly began to run away.

You stood up slowly and saw Isaac staring at you.

“Thank you,” you said quietly.

You turned to walk away, but he grabbed your arm and pulled your lips to his.

“I’m sorry, Y/n,” he began, “I know I hurt you and I abandoned you and I am so sorry. But I want to spend every moment making it up to you and protecting you.”

You pressed your lips to his.

“I forgive you.”

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