Nico. Di Angelo (Alive)

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You were a new demigod to Camp Half-Blood. You had just discovered your godly parent was [insert godly parent here] and had been sent on a quest. You had to find another demigod named Nico Di Angelo, a child of Hades. You had spoken to Nico before and had a teeny crush on him. But one day, he just stopped talking to you and started blowing you off. You had been hurt because you were sure you had done something wrong.

When you were sent on the quest, you had questioned it because of what had happened. But Chiron insisted and you were sent on your way. You decided it was best to go to Central park because that was where he had last been. You were told that he had been looking for Mrs. O’Leary, the camp hellhound.

As you walked through the park, you were careful to look around everywhere. You never knew when monsters could attack. You heard whimpering and followed the noise until it was loud and close. Behind a bush, Mrs. O’Leary laid wounded.

“What happened, girl?” you asked, gently kneeling next to her.

“She was attacked,”  a voice said behind you, frightening you.

You gasped and turned to see Nico.

“Nico!” you hissed, “You scared me!”

“Sorry, Y/N,” Nico shrugged.

You rolled your eyes and pulled off your bag.

“I’ve been looking for you,” you told him.

“Why?” he asked.

“Because you’ve been missing from Camp. Chiron’s worried and gave me a quest to find you,” You answered.

You pulled out your first aid kid and began to work on Mrs. O’Leary’s wound. Nico watched you as you worked. You waited for him to speak, but knew he wouldn’t. Nico was used to silence and would never speak unless forced to.

“She’ll be fine, but she should stay off of it,” you said.

“I heard that you found out who your parent was,” he said.

You nodded, “It’s [Insert godly parent here].”

“That’s cool,” he said slowly.

“Let’s get back to Camp now,” you sighed, getting to your feet.

“Y/N, do you hate me?” Nico asked you.

“Why would i hate you?” you asked, taken aback by the question.

“Because i stopped talking to you. We don’t ever talk anymore,” he said, averting his eyes to the ground.

“I’m sure you have your reasons,” you said, trying to show him that it was okay.

“Because i like you, Y/N,” he blurted out, looking up at you.

You didn’t say anything for a few seconds, and Nico blushed red and looked back at the ground.

“It was stupid. Never mind. Just forget i said anything,” Nico mumbled.

“Nico, i do like you. You just took me by surprise,” you replied.

“You like me?” he asked.

You nodded and gave a small smile. You suddenly felt his lips on yours and his hand resting on the small of your back. You kissed back without hesitation. Mrs. O’Leary barked, separating the two of you.

“We should get back to Camp,” Nico said.

“How? Mrs. O’Leary can’t really walk,” you said.

“I can take us,” he assured you, “Just hold on, Y/N.”

Nico brought you into his chest and wrapped an arm around you, while holding onto Mrs. O’Leary with the other. You smiled to yourself and wrapped both of your arms around him. You felt yourself fade from the park and appear back at Camp. You smiled up at him and led Mrs. O’Leary back to the big cabin hand-in-hand.

The child of Death made you feel more alive than ever.

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