Draco Malfoy (Runaway)

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You struggled against your binds. You had been captured by Greyback. He took you straight to the Malfoy home. A powerful witch like you, captured by death eaters.

Your mouth was taped shut so you couldn’t use your talents. You could charmspeak. That meant you could influence anyone around you just by looking them in the eye and speaking in a certain voice.

You used your abilities to get away from other snatchers. But Greyback had recognized you and knocked you out immediately. He wasn’t a completely stupid wolf apparently.

You waited patiently for the tape to be removed. Bellatrix offered to do the honors. She ripped it off as hard as she could, but all you did was smile.

“Thanks for being a dear,” you teased.

She scowled at you and you winked at her.

Narcissa Malfoy stepped forward.

“You broke my little boys heart,” she said.

You had dated Malfoy in the past. It wasn’t something you were proud of, but it also wasn’t something you had let go of completely yet.

“Your little boy broke my heart. He was shagging Pansy on the side. Cheater. SO i left him,” you defended yourself.

“He loved you,” she argued.

“He broke my heart,” you spat.

“Enough. I’m tired of all the mushy talk,” Greyback said.

You smiled and settled back in your seat.

“Alright then. let’s talk business,” you said, “What do you want from me?”

“We want to know where Potter is,” Lucius spoke.

“Nope,” you said.

“What do you mean?” he asked confused.

“I mean, i’m not telling you anything,” you smiled.

“But, i’m Lucius Malfoy,” he said.

“And i’m Y/N Y/L/N,” you shrugged, “What’s that have to do with anything?”

“It means you can’t tell us no,” Bellatrix said.

“Yes i can. No, no, no,” you said.

“Listen to me, girl,” Bellatrix said, looking you in the eyes.

Big mistake.

“No, you listen to me,” you said, beginning to charmspeak, “You just want to impress Voldemort so he’ll love you. But Narcissa won’t ever let that happen. And Lucius will just take all the credit.”

You watched as Bellatrix spun around to confront her family. Greyback stepped into your view.

“Greyback, all you want is your reward. But you know Bellatrix is only going to kill you,” you said.

He turned on Bellatrix and you smiled, knowing that it would bide you enough time to get free. The binds were undone with a spell and you looked to see who freed you. Draco himself. You shot to your feet and tried to run, but Draco grabbed you.

“Not through there,” he whispered, Pulling you down a different exit.

He had helped you escape. But he hadn’t released his hold on you. You hit him and fought against him, but he just held you in a loving hug.

“No, no. Stop,” you struggled, fighting back tears.

You couldn’t take it anymore and broke down, with him still holding you.

“I love you, Y/N. I always have and i always will. And i will never wrong you again,” Draco said to you, “And to prove it, i can take you away form here. Away from London, away from evil, and away from harm. I can protect you.”

“Why?” you asked quietly.

“Because i love you. And people do crazy things for love,” he said.

“Promise?” you asked.

“Promise,” he confirmed.

Draco helped you to your feet and you kissed him sweetly.

“Let’s go,” you smiled, excitedly.

Draco grinned and took your hand, running off with you.

You were running away with your one, true love.

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