Batman (Control)

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You were walking through Gotham late one night, after doing some research at the library for a little too long.

You heard a rustling behind you.

You turned, but saw nothing.

You started walking faster, not sure if you were trying to get away from your paranoia or if there was someone really behind you.

Suddenly, a hand grabbed your arm and you turned quickly, ready to fight.

To your surprise, the one and only Batman had a grip on you.

“Huh?” was all you managed to squeak out.

“Sorry, Miss…,” he trailed off, waiting for your name.

“Y/N,” you told him.

“Y/N,” he repeated, “I just wanted you to not have to worry. I was just making sure you got home without trouble.”

“Oh,” you said, “Well, thank you. And not just for this, but for protecting Gotham. And everything.”

Batman just nodded and sank into the shadows.

You made your way home.

For several days, you felt eyes on you. You just shook it off and pretended you didn’t notice.

Then, the dreaded night came. The full moon. You were a werewolf and every full moon, you chose to lock yourself away, rather than deal with the pressure of hiding from hunters.

You packed the chains into your duffel alone with an extra pair of clothes in case of emergency.

You began your late night walk to the forest, your hiding place.

You were cornered in an alley by a couple of gang members.

“Trust me, tonight is not the night to try anything with me,” you warned.

“What’s the matter, on your period?” one guy mocked.

“I wish it was that,” you muttered.

One guy hit you in the face with a pipe. You looked at him, feeling the rage boil inside.

You looked at the sky and spotted the full moon.

“I’m warning you, back off now or I won’t be able to hold back any longer,” you growled, lowly.

You were tackled to the ground and they started to kick at you.

You roared, shifting.

You tossed them off of you, and one by one fought them off.

You pinned the youngest to the wall and bared your teeth at his throat.

“I want to rip out your throat,” you told him.

But at the same time, you didn’t.

Batman dropped in front of you. He separated you from the boy.

“Y/N, stop. You’re hurting people. This isn’t you. You have to fight it,” Batman counseled you.

You fought against yourself for control.

“I’m… not… going to hurt… anyone,” you growled to yourself, shifting back into yourself.

You glanced down at yourself in surprise.

“I did it!” you exclaimed.

You looked up at Batman.

“I’m sorry,” you began.

He cut you off by pressing a rough, but passionate kiss on your lips.

“I think I love you,” he said.

He faded into the shadows, disappearing before you could respond.

You had your own dark knight in shining cape.

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