Clint Barton (Arrows)

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You had quit SHIELD a year ago. You wanted nothing to do with it again.

But you had woken up to a phone call from Fury himself.

“What do you want?” you demanded.

“I need a consultation from you, Y/L/N,” he said.

“On what case?” you sighed, knowing you had no choice.

“The Puppet Master,” he answered.

“I’m getting dressed now,” you said, shooting out of bed.

You hung up the phone and pulled on your clothes.

A car was waiting in front to pick you up, so you got in.

You were driven to the helicarrier and escorted to the conference room.

The Avengers were there, including your ex, Clint Barton. He had dumped you when you left SHIELD. You didn’t want any confrontation, so you ignored him.

“Good to see you, Agent Y/L/N,” Steve spoke up.

“It’s just Y/N now,” you smiled, “And it’s good to see you again, too.”

“What are you doing here?” Natasha asked.

“She is here to consult you about your newest mission,” Fury said, walking in.

“The Puppet Master,” you began, “Can control you with just a look into your eyes. You have to avoid looking at him directly at all costs. I tried contacts, and they worked just fine. But it was just revealed to me that he escaped custody.”

“He is very dangerous. The first agent we sent was forced to extreme torture,” Fury said.

“So to prevent that, I suggest sunglasses, contacts, looking into reflective surfaces. Just don’t look at him in the eyes or you’re done for,” you said.

You placed a file on the table.

“This is a file I compiled a while back. It might help you guys. Good luck,” you waved.

Fury nodded at you, dismissing you.

You walked out to return home, when an arm pulled you into a small hallway.

You turned to see Clint. You pulled your arm away.

“What can I do for you?” you asked.

“I missed you,” he said with a smirk.

“And I care why?” you asked.

His smirk slipped off his face.

“Don’t you miss me?” he asked.

“I’m better off without you,” you replied.

“I’m sorry about what I did. And I regret it. Now that I’ve lost you, I feel like I lost a part of myself. I need you back,” he said.

You shook your head.

“I’m done with you,” you responded, turning around and walking away.

You went home.

A week later, you were reading on your bed when your window broke open and three arrows got stuck on your wall. There were three pieces of paper attached to them.

You stood and read it.

Roses are red,

Violets are blue,

I can’t live without you.

You looked out your broken window at Clint. He was looking at you with a hopeless face.

“Will you be mine again?” he asked.

“After you fix my window.”

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