Chapter 6

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Hope y'all had a great Christmas! This chapter is the longest so far, so enjoy!


Keefe didn't pick up any of Sophie's hails, and she couldn't find him at the Shores of Solace, so Sophie tried transmitting to him.



There you are! I was so worried! You weren't responding to my imparter hails and you weren't at your house. Is everything okay?

Well... not really.

What happened?

My mom and Ruy were at the Shores and they drugged Ro and my dad, but Ruy turned on my mom and now we're at Eternalia and Ruy is going to turn himself in and I'm out here waiting--very patiently, I might add.

What?! Are you okay?!

Yeah, no one was injured, thanks to Ruy. But Ro and my dad are still unconscious. I don't know what they drugged him with. Might have been soporidine...

That's not good. Have you hailed Mr. Forkle?

Yeah, I was just going to do that. I don't know what the Council is going to do with Ruy.

Probably a tribunal. Hopefully, they exile him.

I don't know...

Wait, you want him to get no consequences?

No, I just think he really has changed. Sure, he's done bad things, but I don't think he deserves to be exiled.

I can't believe you're really saying that.

Anger flared inside Sophie. Didn't deserve Exile? Any member of the Neverseen deserves Exile!

Not everyone, Keefe thought, making Sophie realize she'd accidentally transmitted the thought.

I was with the Neverseen, wasn't I? So was Bangs Boy.

Keefe, that was different. You both had good intentions.

How do you know Ruy didn't have good intentions too?

Sophie had no answer for that.

Other than, I don't know.


Keefe was waiting outside Councillor Bronte's castle in Eternalia when Sophie transmitted to him. He must have accidentally left his imparter at the Healing Center, which was why he hadn't received any of Sophie's hails.

After their mental conversation, Keefe updated Mr. Forkle on all the recent events. They arranged for his dad and Ro to be taken to the Stone House, where Physic could hopefully treat them.

Then Keefe waited some more for Ruy to come back out of Bronte's castle.

What is taking him so long? he wondered.

Finally, Ruy walked out, with Bronte behind him.

"What's going on?"

Bronte looked at Keefe. "Ruy has taken full responsibility for his aiding the Neverseen for several years, so now he is going to face the consequences."

"What are the consequences?" Keefe wondered.

"Exile for the rest of his indefinitely long life."

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