Chapter 41

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The next morning, Sophie and her friends got up early. Biana and Dex went to Everglen to get ready, and Keefe went to the shores of solace to get ready.

That left Sophie alone to get ready. She got on a simple green tunic. Sophie thought about Fitz. What could she have done to keep him?

Sophie sighed, and looked in her mirror. Surprisingly, Vertina left her alone.

Grady and Edaline came into her room with gloomy faces.

"Sophie, is there anything we can do?" Edaline asked, giving a small smile.

"I-I don't think there's anything, b-but thanks," Sophie croaked.

Edaline walked over to Sophie and gave her a hug.

Sophie sighed.

There was no way to undo the past. No matter how hard she tried. She just had to move on.

Grady, Edaline, and Sophie slowly walked to the Leapmaster.

Sophie managed to whisper the words, "Wanderling Woods."

When Sophie got there she searched for Keefe, Dex, and Biana. They were out of the crowd, and they were surrounding Biana.

"Hey Foster," Keefe said.

Biana was sobbing.

Dex sat down next to her and hugged her, and she clung to him. Clung to him like he was the only thing keeping her together.

Sophie smiled. She was glad Biana had a very close friend to help her through all this.

Sophie knelt down.

"Biana, it's gonna be okay," She heard Dex whisper.

"D-Dex, p-please s-stay," Biana whispered back.

"Biana..." Sophie started.

Biana looked up.


"Is there anything you need?"

Biana smiled. "You being here is enough."

Then she put her head back on Dex's shoulder.

Just then Alden and Della came out of the crowd and toward Biana.

"Biana, there's someone who'd like to see you," Alden said.

"Who?" Biana asked without looking.

Alden and Della shared a look.

"Councilor Emery," Della managed to say.

"Why would he want me?" Biana said, this time looking up. "Like Darek, Liora, Ruy, Fernan, or Bronte would be the ones asking for me, but Emery..."

"Biana, honestly we have no idea what he wants." Alden said.

Biana sighed. "Can Dex come?"

"I suppose..." Della said.

Biana and Dex stood up, and they followed Alden and Della into the crowd, holding hands.

"So..." Keefe said.

Sophie turned around, and hugged him.

"Thank you."

"For what?"

"For coming back."

"From what?"

"Not staying broken."

Tears ran down his face, and they hugged tighter.

Sophie knew one thing for sure.

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