Chapter 30

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Sophie ran to Biana, but Dex was already there, holding Biana in his arms.

"What is wrong with you, auntie Esme?!" Keefe yelled sarcastically, but Sophie heard the anger behind his words. "Why can't you just leave Biana alone?!"

Sophie was wondering the same thing. Her poor friend had been through so much already.

Dex looked at Sophie with questioning eyes, probably wondering whether he should stay or not.

It's okay, Sophie transmitted, Go take her to the Healing Center. We can take care of them.

He nodded and glittered away.

Sophie transmitted for Wylie to do the same with Ruy.

She hated to admit it, but she wasn't sure how they could win this fight without Ruy there to help. They needed his power. Then she realized...

Wylie, wait. When you come back, bring Maruca.

To Sophie's surprise Wylie didn't protest. He just gave her one grim nod before also leaping away.

That left Sophie, Keefe, and Stina against Fitz, Gisela, and Esme.

Thankfully, the Neverseen were currently distracted by Gisela slapping herself in the face, courtesy of Keefe.

Sophie could tell Keefe was straining to keep his hold on her, so she grabbed his hand and enhanced him. Relief flooded Keefe's face before focus took its place.

Suddenly, all the Neverseen froze, unable to move. They sat down in a circle in the soft grass. Their bodies were still, but their faces were furious.

"Wow," Stina said, impressed.

Sophie smiled at him. "Nice job," was all she could think to say.

Keefe looked at her, smirking. "Thanks. I'm just that amazing! Though, to be fair, I--" he winced in pain.

Sophie collapsed to the ground, unsure of what was happening. All she knew was the excruciating pain in her chest. Her heart was pounding so fast it was as if it wasn't beating at all. She couldn't breathe.

Just then, the world went black.


Stupid, stupid, stupid.

That was what Keefe was.

He had been controlling the Neverseen perfectly, with the help of Sophie's enhancing. Until he had to go and lose his concentration. Let his mom gain control of her arm, allowing her to use Hemokinesis.

On Sophie.

He tried to regain control over the Neverseen, but without Sophie enhancing him, and with the pain she was sharing with him, it was all Keefe could do to make Gisela's arm drop.

Thankfully, the pain from Sophie receded. He didn't want to think about what that could mean.

Fitz pointed his melder at Sophie's now unconscious form. "Keefe, stop using your power on Gisela right now, or else!"

"I don't think so!" Stina screamed, and pulled out a metal cube, throwing it in front of the Neverseen.

A mist erupted from the silver gadget, and then the place was shrouded in fog. Keefe couldn't see more than a foot in front of him.

There was a commotion somewhere next to Keefe. From the grunts and clamors, it sounded like Stina was fighting with Gisela.

Keefe heard a melder blast hit something beside him, where Sophie was lying. Before he could think, he was running toward where Fitz had been. A fist out of nowhere connected with Keefe's jaw.

There was Fitz.

In a rage, he tackled Keefe to the ground. Keefe, with just as much fury, controlled Fitz's fist before it could land another punch. While Fitz was distracted by his unmoving arm, Keefe grabbed the other arm and used the leverage to flip Fitz over. They wrestled like this back and forth, Keefe only using his power when necessary. He didn't want to waste too much of his already depleting energy.

Eventually, they were on their feet again, and both their faces were streaked with blood. Keefe charged at Fitz, faking right, then hitting Fitz's left side with a hip throw. Keefe threw him as far as he could.

But what he hadn't been aware of was that Esme and Stina had been fighting close by to them.

Fitz's body was flying through the air. Then it was struck by a stream of white hot flames.


Sooooo yeah. That just happened. Sorry to all the Fitz lovers out there. I asked Julia what she wanted to say to y'all. Here is her message:

I am sad for Biana... 

Me too, Julia. Me too. 

This chapter was written by SleepyKeefeMuffin.

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