Chapter 11

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I just had to publish two of Julia's chapters today, since it's her bday and all. I swear this is the last one! XD



"Stina, Keefe, and Wylie, can you guys take Gethen, Vespera, and Lady Gisela to Eternalia?"

"Okay!" they all agreed as they glittered away.

That left her, Dex, and Biana.

"Wow! I can't believe you chose us! That like never happens," Biana said.

"Yeah," Dex agreed.

Sophie ignored them. "Come on guys, we need to find that sopordine and antidote," Sophie said.

They walked through the darkness to find another hooded figure. One that Sophie had seen before. He looked so familiar.

"Well hello, Sophie Foster, and Dex Dizznee. Oh and I know you're hiding, Biana."

That voice was so familiar, but Sophie couldn't figure it out.

Until Biana flickered back into view and said, "Alvar."


When Keefe, Wylie, and Stina glittered into Eternalia, the Council and Ruy were standing there.

"What happened?" Emery asked.

"Where's Sophie, Dex, and Biana?" Oralie asked.

"How did you manage to get Lady Gisela, Gethen, and Vespera?" Bronte asked.

"Sophie, Dex, and Biana are finding the sopordine and antidote," Stina started.

"Well basically, we outsmarted the Neverseen, and saved the day!" Keefe added.

"And Sophie inflicted on these three, and told us to bring them here," Wylie finished.

"Oh yeah. I almost forgot, they wanted Ruy," Stina added.

"ME!?!" Ruy asked.

"Why would they want him?" Emery asked.

"I don't know," Keefe admitted.

"Ugh! Why does every problem have to involve me?" Ruy asked.

"Tell me about it," Keefe responded.

Just then, a hooded figure came into view.

Someone new.

It looked like they had a flame in their palm.

It was a woman.

With brown hair, and ice blue eyes.

Wait. Ice blue eyes... Keefe thought.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?" said surprisingly Ruy.

We really want to know: What does everyone think of Ruy? 

Thank you, everyone, for reading our story!

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