Chapter 44

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"Don't let her do anything," Sophie whispered to Keefe, then hoped Obsidian and Gisela hadn't noticed. Sophie hadn't thought to just transmit to him.

The terror pounding through her body made it hard to think straight at the moment.

Keefe nodded slightly and looked at the two Neverseen standing in front of them. The villains were facing Sophie, Keefe, Wylie, Maruca, Ruy, Bronte, and Fernan with their backs toward Ruy's pink tourmaline castle.

An inexplicably random thought struck Sophie, and she wondered if Ruy would remodel from Oralie's previously exteremelprincess-y interior.

"Hello, friends!" Obsidian's shrill voice lilted teasingly. "My first time meeting the Moonlark, and I wasn't even expecting her majesty to be here! Should I bow to the all-powerful one?"

Sophie didn't miss the bitter sarcasm at the end. "No, that's not necessary. You can give us Stina, though!"

Obsidian just giggled, kind of like she had in Stina's memory. "No thanks. I'll keep her! She's a feisty one. Besides, I thought you guys don't like her anyway."

"How do you know that?" Maruca asked.

Obsidian shrugged. "I just do! It's a sixth sense."

Gisela cleared her throat. "Obsidian, what did I say about getting off track during a mission?"

Obsidian's dark cloak fluttered excitedly. "Oh, right! I forgot!"

What could they be here for? Sophie wondered. "Why do you have Stina? What are you going to do to her?!"

"Why would I tell you?" Gisela countered.

"Nevermind," Keefe jumped in. "Mommy Dearest will never tell us anything useful. It's not worth all the talking."

Do you have a better plan? Sophie asked him telepathically.

I might. We won't capture the Neverseen, but hopefully we'll get Stina back. 

Okay. That's more important.

If they all got out of there without being evaporated, Sophie would take that as a win.

Tell Ruy to put a forcefield around Obsidian and Gisela, but not Stina. Keefe thought.

Before Sophie could transmit to Ruy, there was already a crackling dome surrounding the villains.

Thanks, Sophie transmitted to him. It was really nice to have Ruy on their side.

Can you tell Maruca to put one around us and Stina? Keefe asked her.

Sophie immediately relayed the message to Maruca, and seconds later, their group was separated from the Neverseen by two force fields.

"Fighting against a Psionopath is so annoying," Obsidian whined. "It's not fair you guys have two!"

Sophie wanted to roll her eyes, but she wasn't feeling confident enough at the moment. Did force fields even stop Obsidian's ability?

Were they really safe?

"This is why I never bring you," Gisela grumbled. "You never see the big picture, Obsidian."

Obsidian scoffed. "That might be because you never tell me the big picture! You only let me know what my job is. 'Kill this person, evaporate that!' Never why. Maybe I never wanted to go on the 'big missions!'" Obsidian stomped to the erratic rhythm of her cries, which rose higher and higher, until she was throwing a full on tantrum.

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