Chapter 13

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Hello again! I just want to thank you all for reading our story! As of writing this, we have 370 reads! I know that's not a lot compared to other fanfics, but it's still really exciting, and way more reads than I was expecting when I published this! Thanks so much for all the support. :) Enjoy the chapter!


"Who are you?" Sophie asked with determination.

"Esme Allaband. And you, Miss Sophie, are the one and only Moonlark, and if you excuse me I need to take my sister."

"How can you prove you're Gisela's sister?" Biana asked, as she and Dex glittered into the scene.

"And who are you two?"

"It doesn't matter! You didn't answer her question," Dex exclaimed.

"Ah, I see how it is. Now back off before I burn you alive."

As Esme flicked a flame at where Dex was standing, Biana ran right in front of him.

The flame hit her right in the chest.

"Somebody call Elwin!" Sophie screamed as Biana collapsed to the ground.

"YOU'RE JUST AS BAD AS THE NEVERSEEN COMBINED! YOU ARE SO TERRIBLE!" Dex screamed. There were tears running down his face. Stina and Wylie ran to him, trying to calm him down.

Elwin glittered into the scene. He ran to Biana and went to work at once.

"See that's what happens when you get in my way! Now hand over Gisela!" Esme yelled. She shot another fireball at where Biana, Elwin, Dex, Stina, and Wylie were, and right before it hit Elwin, Ruy snapped his fingers to make a force field around them.

"Oh, we have a Psionipath don't we?"

"Yes we do. You need to leave, now!" Ruy yelled.

Esme flicked her wrist, and the flames went directly at Ruy, but right before it hit him she collapsed and the flames disappeared.

Bronte inflicted on her.

He saved Ruy.

Wait....he saved Ruy.

Ruy snapped the force field off, and just walked back to his spot next to the council like nothing happened.

Sophie looked around, and this is what she saw.

An exhausted Bronte, terrified Councillors, Ruy pretending nothing happened. Mr. Forkle and the Collective were running around making sure everyone was ok. Keefe light leaping away with Elwin and Biana, a tear stained face which was Dex, a frightened Stina, and a sad Wylie.

"Sophie!" Fitz said as soon as he glittered into the scene, and boy was Sophie glad to see him. She ran to him and hugged him.

"Fitz!" Sophie yelled.

"Keefe told me everything that happened, and I wanted to make sure you were ok."

"Before Biana?"

"I'm gonna see her right after this."



All of that was too much to handle for Keefe. Biana saved Dex, Ruy saved Elwin, and Bronte saved Ruy, but the only one who got hurt was Biana.

Dex glittered into the healing center.

"Is she going to be okay?" Dex asked.

"Yes, she'll be fine, but she might be unconscious for a little while." Elwin answered.

"This was all my fault!" Dex said as he collapsed to the floor crying.

"Dex, she'll be okay," Keefe said, trying to at least comfort him a little.

"But she would already be okay if it wasn't for me."

"Dex she chose to save you, and if it's anyone's fault it's that Esme woman."

"You're right, but I'm staying here until she wakes up."

"I'm not gonna stop you. I'm gonna go to the Shores of Solace. Bye, Dex! Hail me when Biana wakes up!"

"I will."

Keefe leaped away remembering he'd be the only one at the Shores of Solace. 

Did you like that fight scene with Esme?

This chapter was written by 1234567890lalalalaIf you like this story, go follow her! :)

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