Chapter 2

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Hello! I'm gonna post a few chapters today, since we have so many prewritten. Enjoy!


"What?!?!?!" Sophie exclaimed.

"Yeah, apparently," Keefe's projection on the imparter said.

"Wow, that's... that's... not what I was expecting."

"I know. I don't really know how to feel about it."

Neither did Sophie. She had figured Lady Gisela would want Keefe to manifest a powerful ability--but a Mesmer? She had never imagined such a dark power being Keefe's. It was a testament to how shocked Keefe was that he wasn't making jokes about his new ability.

"When did you manifest? Was it just now? How long have you been awake? Is Fitz there with you? How are you feeling? Did Elwin check up on you?"

"Wooaaaaah, slow down there, Foster. I can feel your worry from here! I just woke up, and I manifested like two minutes ago. Yes, Fitz is here. I'm doing okay, and no, Elwin hasn't checked up on me yet because I insisted on hailing you first. Does that answer all your questions?"

"No, one more. Are you allowed to have visitors?"


"There you are! What took you so long, Foster? You just missed Fitz, he kinda had to something."

Sophie's emotions shifted to relief. Then they changed into an unfamiliar feeling as she ran over to him and threw her arms around him.

They pulled apart after a while, but Keefe could still sense that strange feeling. He had felt that emotion from Sophie only a couple of times before, but it had never been without Sophie's enhancing and physical contact.

"I brought you something!"

"Really? Wow, that's-- OH MY GOODNESS, YOU DIDN'T!"

Sophie grinned. "Thought it would cheer you up. Oh, and they're--"

"DOUBLE STUFFED?!?!?! That's amazing!"

Keefe took the package of E.L. Fudges from Sophie, touched by the gesture of Sophie going through the trouble to get him the best human cookies ever.

"So is that what took you so long to get here? Did you teleport to the Forbidden Cities?"


"Wow. Thank you, Sophie."

She smiled. "No problem!" After a pause, she asked, "So, are you going to start training with your Mesmer ability?"

Keefe's happiness deflated. "I don't know. Who would I even train with?"

"Well, I don't know a lot of Mesmers, other than Grady."

"Um... somehow I don't think training with your dad would end very well. In case you haven't noticed, he doesn't really like me."

Sophie chuckled uncomfortably. "Yeah, that's true. He calls you 'That Boy,' you know."

Keefe raised an eyebrow. "Is that so? I didn't realize he cared about me so much that he would honor me with a nickname. Maybe I should start calling him That Man."

Sophie laughed.

Just then, someone burst through the door of the Healing Center.

"Why didn't anyone tell me That Boy was awake?!"

Short chapter, I know, but today I'm posting more than one so... that makes up for it? XD

This chapter was written by SleepyKeefeMuffin. (me)

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