Chapter 46

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Apologies for not updating on Tuesday! Enjoy the chapter! :)


Dex woke up in a Neverseen hideout. He couldn't move. He felt like his legs were paralyzed. He wasn't sure if that was because his legs were tingling or if something else had happened. After all he was in a Neverseen hideout. He looked around and saw Biana, Maruca, and Ruy.

How had the Neverseen managed to capture all of them? They seemed to be paralyzed as well, though they were talking to each other. Dex tried to drag himself with his arms.

Biana looked at him, and smiled sadly, "Hey Dex, I was so worried that they'd..." Her voice cracked, and tears slid down her cheeks.

"They're coming," Ruy said, his face looked ghostly in the pale light.

"What do you mean they're coming?" Dex asked. He didn't like the eerie vibe that was circling them.

"They're gonna finish us. I was barely conscious when they were talking about killing us, but apparently Biana heard it as well, so I don't think I was hearing things," Ruy said.

Dex looked at Biana with disbelief, but she just nodded. Dex had so much going through his brain he couldn't think straight. His mind was flinging things all around him.

"I'm so sorry," Ruy said, his ocean eyes were downcast. Not his usual happy eyes. Maruca must've seen it as well, because she grabbed his hand.

"They also paralyzed out legs with electricity," Biana said.

"Wow, that's... creative," Dex observed. He hated to admit it, but the Neverseen was getting better at keeping people hostage.

Just then Gisela and Esme walked in. Dex couldn't help noticing a knife in Gisela's hand.

"They're all awake. Splendid, then they can watch everyone die in front of their eyes." Gisela smiled as she walked over to Ruy.

Ruy rolled his eyes, "I knew I'd be first. It was nice knowing all of you," He didn't seem to resist which was odd. Especially for Ruy.

Gisela stabbed him, his gasp echoing off the walls of the cave. Then his hands fell to the ground, and that was all that was left of him. His blood spilling out of his chest scarred them all.

Maruca and Biana screamed. Dex could feel tears spilling down his face. He had to stop this, but how? He was temporarily half paralyzed.

Gisela smiled at their horrified faces, "Who's next? How about Ruy's loyal best friend?"

Maruca screamed, still staring at the blood pouring out of Ruy's chest. Dex suddenly wished that they had Keefe with them, so he could mesmer her and Esme to go away and not harm anyone. They needed this to stop. He couldn't see anyone else die.

As Gisela approached, Maruca looked like she summoned all the anger in her body and punched her right in the face. The knife skidded across the floor right to Dex. Dex reached out to grab the knife, but a hand suddenly appeared and grabbed it right in front of Dex's face.

The rest of the body appeared. It was a Shade. Dex gritted his teeth. That was his chance. But that Shade wasn't the only figure hiding in the shadows. Another figure stepped out from where the shadows were swarming around him. It was Sparrow.

Dex groaned, knowing that they could use him to trigger them all headaches. Which is exactly what happened. Once he started screeching it wouldn't stop. The Neverseen must've had a way to prevent the noise, because they didn't seem irritated at all. Maruca held her hands to her head, trying to get all of the sound out of her system, but that gave Gisela a chance.

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