Chapter 50

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Helloooo! I wrote this last chapter a little differently. 

It takes place right after Dex, Biana, and Edaline escape from Alaena (the Neverseen's cave hideout), so after chapter 46. Instead of Sophie and Keefe's POV, this chapter is Kieran's (Obsidian)! Also, it's in the present tense, sorry about that. Hope you guys enjoy reading about her character as much as I loved writing it! :D


Kieran's eyes flutter open. She quints against the bright light. But why is there a bright light? Last she remembers, she was lying on the stone cold ground reaching out toward to grab the Technopath boy. Then a wave of pain shot through her body, and now she is here.

Definitely not in a dark tunnel.

Kieran's sky blue eyes adjust and she realizes the yellow lines cutting across her vision are lightning bolts. Her gaze lands on the person standing next to her cot. The brown-haired boy's hands are stretched toward her, sending arcs of electricity to circle her head.

"What's that for?" asks Kieran.

Iver jumps. He obviously didn't know she was awake. His green-flecked blue eyes meet hers for a moment. Then he seems to remember Kieran's question. "Oh, um, that was to stimulate your brain into waking up," Iver answered. His hands drop, and the bolts disappear.

"How long was I asleep for?"

"You took two melder blasts. You were unconscious, not asleep."

"Aren't they the same thing?" Kieran wonders.

Iver just shakes his head, but he doesn't suppress his smile very well. She can't hold back a little giggle.

Then she remembers something! "Wait--weren't you unconscious too?"

Iver nodded. "I was, but I was only out for about an hour, until Esme could help treat me and the others. She apparently brought you, me, Gisela, Vespera, and Gethen here, because we were all unconscious. Those stupid Black Swan people really did a number on us. But Esme was able to get us all here safely. Never ceases to amaze, that one."

"Wow," Kieran says, not really processing that load of information. But she caught the important part. An evil grin spreads across her face. "You really screwed up, didn't you?"

"Shut up," Iver says flatly. "You did too. We all did."

"Yeah, but this was your first time fighting the enemy. You practically had to beg Gisela to let you take this job. But now that you've failed so hard... who knows if she'll give you another one?" Kieran knows she's being mean, but taunting Iver is just too much fun. Tiny sparks start bouncing between his knuckles. He's getting really annoyed!

Iver's glare doesn't waver as he tells her, "Just because you've already proven yourself as a fighter doesn't mean you get to judge me! Besides, I'm the only reason you're conscious right now, and I can knock you out again!"

Kieran simply can not suppress the bubble of hysteria that bursts from her lips. She rolls over on her side, clutching her stomach as the cackles keep coming. Iver's stormy scowl fuels it, and he finally skulks out of the room, grumbling something about informing Gisela of Kieran's recovery.

The door closes shut with a soft click.

Iver takes all the laughter and light from the room as he leaves. Kieran is sitting on the edge of this strange bed. She's alone in this strange room. She's hiding in some strange hideout.

Kieran has probably been here before at one point, but who is she to know for sure? For as long as she can remember, she's been moving from base to hideout to underground cave to secret tower. Kieran stopped trying to keep track of all her homes long ago.

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