Chapter 32

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Sophie dropped down to where Keefe had slumped onto the floor of the Healing Center.

"No," she whispered, desperately shaking the boy's shoulders. "NO!" She cried, her heart pounding.

Keefe couldn't be broken! But one look into his mind and...

Shattered pieces of memories were scattered around. She transmitted to him, but there was no response.

"Is his mind really..." Dex trailed off.

Sophie nodded. "...broken," she choked out.

Elwin's eyes went wide and he rubbed his forehead. "I'll, um... I'll contact Mr. Forkle," he said distantly, stumbling to his office.

Biana started another round of sobs. Dex, on cue, held her until she managed to speak. Or rather, hiccup. "It... It wasn't really...his fault...right?"

"Right," Stina whispered. She gulped and bit her lip, trying not to cry. Her gaze was fixed on the floor as she spoke. "Keefe and... F-Fitz... were fighting, and there was fog... they couldn't really see each other... n-no one could... and Esme aimed the flames at... um, m-me, but... th-they hit..." Stina tried to say more, but her words were swallowed by a fit of crying.

Sophie was surprised she hadn't done the same yet, especially with the room full of the sound of sobs and sniffles. But it hadn't really sunk in that Fitz was really...

She would think about that later. Right now, her best friend was broken.

Keefe didn't deserve it. He shouldn't have to bear the guilt of something that wasn't his fault. Sophie wished she could've done something to help him. It shouldn't have come to this.

She could--no, she would-- heal his mind, but what then? Surely that wouldn't heal his guilt completely.

Elwin walked back in. "Mr. Forkle said he'd be here soon. I'm so sorry, Biana, Sophie, and everyone for what... happened. I can't believe..." Elwin's voice became too thick to speak. He took off his glasses and wiped his red, puffy eyes.

Mr. Forkle rushed in. "Where's Keefe?" Then he saw Keefe's body.

"Can I heal him?" Sophie asked.

Mr. Forkle thought for a moment. Sophie expected him to say they should wait, but to her surprise, he said, "Yes. I think it's better sooner than later."

Just then, Grady and Edaline burst through the door. They both rushed to hug her.

"We were so worried. I saw what happened..." Edaline's eyes welled up. She smoothed Sophie's hair. "We both wanted to stay at Havenfield until you woke up, but we had to bring Gethen here, and then update Mr. Forkle on what happened."

Sophie nodded. "It's okay."

Grady's eyebrows scrunched together, blue eyes full of worry, and spoke gently. "Are you sure? Because it doesn't seem like everything is okay."

"And it's okay for things to not be okay," Edaline added.

Sophie nodded, giving them as much of a smile as she could manage. They were right. Nothing was okay.

But everything would be a little better when she had Keefe back.

So Sophie helped move Keefe onto the cot between Biana's and Ruy's. Then she put her fingers to Keefe's temples and transmitted, Don't worry Keefe, I'm going to bring you back.


Keefe didn't know where he was. He was drifting around in an endless dark expanse.

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