Chapter 18

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Good news! My Wattpad account isn't being weird anymore, so I can update a lot easier now. Idk what was going on...

I cannot believe we're at 746 reads!!! Thank you all so much for reading our fanfic! Every time I see the number I always get so surprised. Like, "Wow, I can't believe people actually enjoy reading this as much as we've enjoyed writing it!"

Anyway, here's the chapter. Warning: it's kinda sad... I'm sorryyyy.


Sophie couldn't believe it. 

She wouldn't believe it. 

There was simply no way that one of her closest friends had just... left. No, Fitz hadn't just left.

He joined the Neverseen.

How could he? He had fought alongside the Black Swan for so long. It just didn't make sense that he would betray Sophie, after all they'd been through.

Sure, things had been kind of awkward between them since they broke up, but hadn't they agreed to remain friends? Sophie hadn't done anything to make him think otherwise.


She'd yelled at him.

Sophie had been so mad at Fitz for screaming at Keefe, that instead of comforting Fitz like a good friend, she'd yelled at him.

This was all her fault.

"Sophie," she heard a choked voice whisper. She turned to see Keefe, who was crying, dealing with his own grief, probably just as confused, crushed, and overwhelmed as she was. And yet he still found time to tell her, "It's not your fault. Don't let yourself feel that guilt. I can't lose you too."

"Keefe is right," Dex sniffled, his voice was shaky. "None of us are responsible. None of us could've seen this coming."

Sophie nodded, trying to convince herself of those words. She looked at Dex, clinging to Biana as devastated sobs shook her body.

Sophie walked up to her and rubbed her shoulder. "Biana, I'm so sorry."

Biana looked at Sophie, still crying, trying to speak, but not quite choking it out.

It's okay, Sophie transmitted, You don't have to speak.

Okay, Biana thought. I was trying to say don't be sorry. Fitz betrayed us. He should be sorry! I can't believe he would actually join the Neverseen... Biana's mental voice took on a darker tone. But my brother made his choice. Now he's going to have to pay, just like Alvar.

Sophie should have been appalled by how angry Biana had become, but...

You know what? You're right! Fitz will be sorry he ever turned on us!

Sophie suddenly needed to get away from everyone. The world looked red, and her heart pounded in her chest as she stomped toward the refuge of her bedroom. She ignored Grady, Edaline, and Sandor's questions, brushing past them, sprinting up the stairs, and slamming her door. 

Sophie's breaths were shallow gasps, and that had nothing to do with her run up the stairs. Her body was shaking and her head was roaring with anger, drowning out the sound of someone's footsteps behind her. 

She would make that traitor pay. She would be there to watch as he-

"Woah, that was a quick mood change," Keefe said, though his usual light tone when joking about Sophie's emotions was gone, replaced with something heavy and solemn. "Are you okay?"

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