Chapter 33

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"He's over there, what do you want with him?" Mr. Forkle asked. 

They ran over to him without even answering Mr. Forkle.

"What do you need? Is there any way I can help you?" Mr. Forkle asked.

"The question is will you allow us to see our son?" The woman asked.

Sophie gasped. Those people were Ruy's parents.

Mr. Forkle sighed. "I suppose you can visit if that's okay with Elwin."

Everyone's eyes turned to Elwin.

"Yeah, sure," Elwin mumbled and went into his office.

Grady and Edaline followed him in there.

"Why didn't you let us come to his Tribunal?" the woman asked.

"And why did we just find out like a few minutes ago that he's back?" the man asked.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know who to reach out to," Mr. Forkle reasoned.

They both sighed then their heads turned back to Ruy.

His eyes slowly fluttered open.

He looked straight up to see his parents, he squinted and then sighed.

"Hi," he muttered, looking away.


"They forced me to. They held a melder at my head and told me they needed me, so I had no other choice. No one cared for me or protected me, so honestly what's the point? I'm not evil anymore," Ruy answered.

Sophie couldn't believe what she was hearing. Half of the Neverseen were forced to be a part of their cause.


Ruy sighed. "You never wanted me, and you turned me in so you could have your precious lives to yourself, so the question is what do you want?"

"We never hated you," his mom said.

Ruy rolled his eyes.

"Ruy, come home," his mom said.

"I'd rather live with the Neverseen."


"Yeah. They didn't treat me like a slave. If I went home to you, you'd find some way for me to get banished. You're just trying to act all nice in front of everyone."

"Awww, Ruy you must've been hit really hard."

"I was, thanks for the fake sympathy. Now please leave."

Elwin came in.

"Are you feeling better?" Elwin asked.

"I'm not sure, people were yelling in my face. How long have they been here?"

"A few minutes before you woke up."

"Can you please ask them to go, I've tried but apparently they won't give up."

"Maybe it's best you let him rest," Elwin suggested.

"We can't leave Ruy, we've been worried forever. How long has it been?" his dad asked.

"14 years. See, you didn't even think about me while I was gone. Also, I'm not 15 anymore, I'm 29 and totally capable of living alone."

"29 YEARS OLD?!?"

"Yep. See, I'm okay. Just go home and enjoy yourselves," Ruy said.

"Oh fine, but we will get you to come home sometime," his mother sighed.

They glittered away, scowling.

"I think you should get some rest after all that," Elwin suggested.

"Yeah," Ruy mumbled.

Sophie could see a tear roll down his face as he fell asleep.


Keefe was still trying to figure out how Fitz had died. No one would tell him when he asked. Sophie wouldn't even tell him. Also, why did Keefe break? He leaped to Havenfield with Sophie and the rest of Team Valiant, and there on the ground was a dead Fitz. All of Keefe's memories were coming back.

He gasped.

"It's my fault," Keefe said.

Everyone looked at each other.

"It wasn't entirely your fault. I'd say there's three sides. Mine, because I put the fog there in the first place and Esme targeted the flames towards me. There's also Esme's side, because she put the flames there and missed her aim. Then there's your part; you were trying to stay alive, that's all, so you punched him in the face," Stina finished.

Sophie just realized that it was only Keefe and Stina fighting against the Neverseen when she got hit by Lady Gisela's ability.

"Keefe, it's no one's fault. We just need to move on to give it some time. It happened and there's no way we can bring him back," Sophie sighed.

Biana's eyes bugged out.

"What now? Please tell me it's not the Neverseen," Keefe said.

"Do you think my parents know?" Biana asked.

"Did they know about his betrayal?" Sophie asked.

"Yeah, everyone knows about that," Biana sighed.

"Maybe we should go tell them?" Dex asked.

"I don't know..." Biana started.

"It's okay. I'm pretty sure Mr. Forkle will tell them," Sophie said.

Biana nodded.

"Do we really have to have another Tribunal? Those things are starting to have a terrible ending," Wylie said.

"Yeah, for Ruy's, Fitz turned on us. For Glimmer's, the Neverseen captured Keefe and Maruca. Then for Oralie, lots of unpleasant things happened," Stina said.

Stina and Wylie were right. Tribunals did seem to have a bad ending, and they had to go through Gethen's. Maybe even Mr. Forkle.

"Do you think Mr. Forkle is going to have a Tribunal?" Keefe blurted out.

"Why would he?" Sophie asked.

"I don't know, he forced someone to join the Neverseen," Keefe reasoned.


"It's just a thought."

Just then, two shapes glittered into the scene.

When they saw their projection pop up, Sophie sighed.

Mr. Forkle and Gethen.

"What do you want?" Sophie asked.

"Gethen has just shared some very important information," Mr. Forkle said. He looked pale.

"So what is it?" Dex asked.

Gethen sighed. "The Neverseen is larger than you realize. They're just waiting for the right time to introduce another member."


Heyyyyyy guess whaaaaat?! 


"They're probably mostly just me lol... I am happy, and grateful for all of you coming back to read, and for all of the wonderful comments!"


This chapter was written by 1234567890lalalala! You know the drill lol. Do I even have to say it anymore? ;)

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