Chapter 8

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Hello again! It's been soooo long lol. Enjoy the chapter :)


Sophie's friends were shocked when they saw Keefe's memory of Ruy betraying Lady Gisela. Almost as shocked as Sophie was.

"Keefe, I didn't realize Ruy saved Ro and tried to... to kill Lady Gisela. I-I don't see how all that could've been an act. Maybe you were right about him after all."

Keefe smirked at her, but Sophie could see the hurt behind it. So she added, "I'm sorry for ever doubting your judgement, Keefe. I just wanted to be sure that we could trust him."

"Are we still sure that we can?" Stina asked. "I mean, he didn't actually kill Gisela. Maybe that was on purpose."

"That's true," Dex considered, "The Neverseen could have meant for him to pretend to join us so that we would trust him."

"Then why does he seem so content with a jail cell in Exile?" Biana wondered. "It seems like he just wants to help, because if he plans to betray us, he would care whether or not he's exiled."

Wylie spoke up. "That's true. And didn't the Neverseen already try using that double agent plan with Alvar?"

"They did," Keefe agreed, "which is why I think they wouldn't try to trick us the same way again. I think we should take the help he's offering us. It's the best chance we have to get ahead of the Neverseen."

Sophie nodded.

"Wait, wait, wait," Stina said, "You think we should trust him too, Sophie?"

"Yes, I do. That doesn't mean we'll tell him all our secrets, but we'll listen if he gives us information about the Neverseen. Keefe is right, stealing their soporidine will make a huge difference. And right now, we need that."

Stina looked like she really wanted to argue, but instead she scowled and sighed, "Fine, since you're the leader of Team Valiant, I guess I don't have a choice, do I? But for the record, I don't like this. If it turns out to be a trap, I told you so."

Sophie really hoped it wasn't going to end up that way, because Stina was right-- Sophie was the leader, and if this didn't work out, it was on her.

But she didn't have much time to worry about it, because then all twelve Councillors arrived.

"Hello, Team Valiant," Councillor Emery greeted, "And hello, Keefe Sencen. Are you ready to become a Regent?"


"I was born ready," Keefe replied, straightening his shoulders and faking a confident smirk.

Underneath, he was a mess. Nerves left his stomach churning and he was struggling to keep his breathing steady as Emery stepped forward holding a box.

How painful was the induction ceremony supposed to be? He knew it couldn't be that bad, since Sophie and them had survived it.

Then again, Sophie could survive anything--she was the strongest person he knew.

Keefe wished he felt as strong when Emery opened the box to reveal...

Three capes. And three circlets. And three pins.

"Wow, gotta be honest, becoming a Regent is not as exciting as I thought it would be."

Emery smiled, but it looked strained. "Well, this came as a rather short notice, so you won't be getting the full experience that your friends did. And we will give you your patch with your assigned animal when we have time to pick one that best suits you."

"There are patches too?" He gasped when everyone nodded. "Well, now I just feel left out!"

Emery jumped in. "We're getting off track, and we are short on time. Before you can accept your Regent articles, you must swear the oath of a Regent that we modified for Team Valiant. I will spare you the whole speech about it, but repeat after me: I swear to fight with everything in my power to serve the Council and keep our world a haven of peace, hope, and illumination."

Keefe thought that the oath sounded kind of corny, but decided not to say so, because he could feel the solemnity of this moment.

This was the moment he would become a member of Team Valiant--the first elf to be ever added to the exclusive group of teenage Regents. Keefe didn't just want the title, but he knew that this was the best way to continue in the war against the Neverseen. His mom would not be happy with him, but that was the goal.

This time, Keefe wouldn't let his mom control him anymore. He wouldn't be falling for her schemes any longer. He wouldn't accept his mom's legacy for him, no matter how much she wanted him to. Instead, Keefe would stop her once and for all. 

That would be his own legacy.

So with all that in mind, Keefe took a deep breath and repeated the words that would take him one step further in this fight between good and evil.

"I swear to fight with everything in my power to serve the Council and keep our world a haven of peace, hope, and illumination."

Emery smiled at him.

Sophie did too. "Welcome to Team Valiant, Keefe."

Ayyyyyy we love it when Keefe gets all determined. XD  What did you think of Keefe joining Team Valiant? And of Sophie deciding to trust Ruy?

This chapter was written by SleepyKeefeMuffin.

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