Chapter 28

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"WHAT?!" Bronte yelled. "But... you're a Councillor! It is your sworn duty to not have any family! How could you betray the Elvin people, Oralie?"

Oralie's chin jutted out slightly. "I did not betray the Elvin people. I did what I thought would benefit not only the Elves, but the whole world. And I was promised I wouldn't even be able to raise her. How could having a daughter distort my judgement as a Councillor if I never knew her?"

Bronte scowled. "That does not give you an excuse to—"

"Fine! If you think I'm guilty and deserve Exile for the rest of my very long life, then give me a Tribunal!"

Bronte rubbed his forehead. "I do not think you deserve Exile, Oralie. But the other Councillors might not be so merciful. You can't deny you have violated a key code of the Council, even if you had good reason to."

Oralie sighed, but kept a calm expression when she said, "You're right. I did have a good reason for what I did. And I will face the consequences for it."

"Oralie, no! It's not your fault!" Sophie said. Her eyes welled up. "Please, don't let them Exile you because of me."

Oralie gave a weak smile. "It was my decision, and it was worth it. Hopefully the other Councillors will think I am just as innocent as you claim."


"Man, there sure are a lot of Tribunals going on lately," Dex commented.

"Yeah, Foster seems to have that effect on people," Keefe joked.

They were standing inside the Tribunal hall yet again. Team Valiant, the Collective, and of course the Council were the only ones permitted to be there for Oralie's Tribunal.

"I can't believe that just yesterday, we were here for Glimmer's trial," Biana remembered.

"Let's hope this one doesn't end with two kidnappings, and you being shot with soporidine," Dex said glumly.

Biana smiled at Dex. "Don't worry, Elwin gave me the soporidine antidote. I'm fine now. And thanks to you guys, everyone got back safe." 

"I'm glad," Dex smiled back. He put his arm around her as they all sat down in the front row facing the platform.

Keefe looked at Sophie, wishing he had some of Dex's moves. But it was pointless. Even if Keefe did work up the courage to put his arm around her, Sophie would be too oblivious to think it meant anything.

"What are you staring at, Keefe?" Sophie asked quizzically.

His point exactly.

"Nothing," Keefe said, suppressing a sigh. "Just wondering when this is going to start."

"Probably when the Council gets here," Stina said sarcastically.

"Where is the Collective?" Wylie wondered.

"I don't know. It's weird that we are the only ones here early," Sophie said.

Just then, the Collective arrived, disguises and all. They sat next to Team Valiant, leaving the rest of the ginormous seating area empty.

A few minutes later, the Council arrived, including Oralie, who went to stand separate from the rest of the Council.

Now Keefe could easily see the family resemblance between the pretty faced Councillor and Sophie. How had he missed it before? He probably hadn't been looking, since he wouldn't have guessed Sophie's mother was an Empath.

But Sophie's connection to the ability could actually explain why Sophie's emotions were so much stronger than other elves'. He'd have to ask Mr. Forkle about it.

Keefe was pulled out of his thoughts by Councillor Emery's booming voice announcing "Let us begin the Tribunal. Oralie Damaris, come forward."


What did y'all think of the chapter? Do you like Oralie's last name? I literally spent ten minutes choosing the right name XD. If you're curious about what her last name means... you should go look it up. ;)

This chapter was written by SleepyKeefeMuffin. 

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