Chapter 25

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Sophie and Maruca stayed up talking.

"So how is Psionopath training with Ruy going?"

"It's actually really great. He's really nice."

"Really? What do you guys do?"

"He basically shows me how to have the force on longer and stuff like that."

"So you like it?"

"Yeah, actually that's the session I most look forward to now."

"Wow. I wasn't expecting that from someone who worked with the Neverseen."

"Yeah me too, but he's super patient and helpful."

"That's awesome. Have you noticed anything different about him lately?" Sophie grinned.

"Yeah. He took off his addler. When I asked him why he said that some Regents came by and told him to show his face."

Sophie had to laugh at that one.

"I mean, can you blame me?"

"No. It's good to see his face."

Before they knew it, the sun was rising. Biana woke up and saw Maruca and Sophie talking.

"Good morning, guys!" Biana said.

"Hey Biana," Sophie responded.

"We have to get to Glimmer's trial soon. I'm gonna leap back to Everglen to get ready. I'll have to get Fitz u- oh um." Tears came into Biana's eyes. "Uh, bye guys." Biana leaped away.

Sophie felt so bad. Biana had two brothers that had betrayed her and everyone else.

Soon everyone left, and Sophie was left alone to get ready for Glimmer's trial.

When she was ready she leaped right outside the gigantic building. She walked in and saw Biana, Keefe, and Dex waiting for her in the hallway.

"Hey, Foster. Are you ready for another Tribunal?" Keefe chuckled.

"Yeah, and hopefully this will be the last one for a while." Sophie sighed.

"Tam is pacing outside the door," Dex said.

"He's super nervous," Biana added.

"He's become really attached to Glimmer, hasn't he?" Sophie questioned.

"I guess so, but we better get going. It's about to start."

When Sophie walked in, she sat next to Grady and Edaline and Sandor sat behind her.

"Bring in the accused," Emery shouted.

Glimmer walked in.

"State your name please," Emery said.

"Glimm-" Glimmer started.

"He meant your real name," Bronte interrupted.

"We all know your name isn't Glimmer, and if you don't want to say it then we can give you a harsher punishment," Alina added.

Emery rolled his eyes. "I'll say it again. State your name."

Glimmer sighed and took off her hood.

"Cyrah Endal."


Dun Dun Dunnnn!!!

This chapter was written by 1234567890lalalala. Go follow her if you like the story! :) 

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