Chapter 26

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"NO!" Sophie screamed at Gisela, Vespera, Fitz, and Keefe. But it was too late.

Ro was glaring at the spot where Keefe had been standing only seconds before. She flung a dagger in that direction, which stuck into the pearl wall behind it.

Marella stood frozen, her eyes wide, a forgotten flame still in her hand.

Dex collapsed to the ground, cradling Biana's unconscious body. Sophie couldn't tell whether the tears streaming down his face were from anger or sadness. Probably both.

"I can't believe he just did that," Ro growled, "Why does he have to keep sacrificing himself? When I see him again, I'll show him..."

Sophie was tempted to sink to the ground and cry herself into oblivion, but she had wasted enough time doing that in the past week.

It was time to act. Failure was not an option. Sophie wouldn't allow herself to think about what she'd do without Keefe...

No, she needed to focus on what to do to get him back.

Sophie cleared her throat. "Guys, I think I have a plan."

"What do you need us to do?" Marella asked, straightening up. Her jaw set, and she looked like the only one of them ready for action.

"Well, someone needs to call Elwin so he can give Biana the soporidine antidote."

"I'll do it," Dex offered, reluctantly stepping away from Biana to hail Elwin.

"Thanks, Dex," Sophie smiled. She turned to Marella. "And can you hail Linh and ask her to come over here?" 

"Sure," Marella's eyes narrowed. "What are you planning?"

Sophie smirked, even though she didn't feel like it at the moment. 

This was for Keefe.

"Our own counterattack."


A green wooded scenery glittered into view. Keefe thought the hideouts he'd seen before were drab, but this was...

A tiny shack.

Surrounded by what used to be a forest, but was now a creepy grove of burnt tree stumps.

Keefe didn't get to look much longer, because Fitz suddenly grabbed his wrists behind his back and roughly shoved bands around them.

"If you act out of line, these cuffs will shock you. So don't even think about using your fancy new power!" Fitz yelled.

"Calm down there, buddy," Keefe said, "I'm not running away."

"Shut up! I'm not your buddy!"

Keefe just shook his head. His best friend really was gone.

He noticed that Vespera, Gisela, and Gethen were flanking him as Fitz pushed him toward the shack.

The shack's interior wasn't much more impressive than the outside.

"Wow, is this where you guys live?" Keefe asked, noticing the bed mats in the corner.

"No," Gisela scoffed, "this is where we keep worthless prisoners like you. It's in the middle of nowhere, so don't think anyone will be able to come and find you."

It was then that Keefe saw someone huddled in the corner across from the mats.


She looked up, and her face flooded with relief. "Keefe! Wait, what are you..."

Her eyes landed on Keefe's cuffs. "Oh."

"When were you kidnapped?" Keefe asked.

"I was—"

"That's enough talking," Gisela interrupted. "You will stay in this room. You will not use your powers, or talk to one another. Gethen, Fitz, and myself will not be letting you out of our sight, so if you make one rebellious move we won't hesitate to knock you unconscious with your cuffs, or give you a dose of soporidine. Your little friends won't be here to give you an antidote."

Gisela turned to Vespera and told her, "You can go do your... thing now."

Vespera nodded and light leaped away.

"Where did she—"

"No talking!" Gethen interrupted Keefe. "You just don't listen, do you?"

"He never does," Fitz's cold voice cut in. Keefe didn't think he'd ever get used to this bitter, mangled, sad version of his best friend.

Keefe didn't reply, though. In fact, he sat quietly for a very long time. He wasn't sure how long it had been. It could've been hours, days, or weeks he had spent staring at the wall, or the ceiling, or Maruca.

They tried mouthing words to each other, but Fitz would scream at them for it, and Gisela would threaten them, while Gethen would hold a Melder to Keefe's head.

All in all, it was the most bored Keefe had ever been.

He remembered what his mother had told Maruca in Loamnore. We'll come for  you soon. 

Was it because she was a Psionipath? Was she meant to replace Ruy? Did Gisela really expect her to cooperate with the Neverseen? 

And what about Keefe's 'legacy?' How did his mom plan to use Keefe's new stellarlune-induced ability?

The only thing Keefe knew for sure was that Sophie and the rest of the Black Swan would rescue them. Sophie had told him herself, and he'd shown her his mental image of the shack.

He thought about what he would do when they showed up. How would he get his cuffs off? And Maruca's?

Keefe glanced at Maruca, who was sitting on one of the paper thin mats with her back against the wall. She was staring up at the ceiling, and Keefe didn't have to be an Empath to know how hopeless she was feeling.

He wished he could tell her that it would be okay. That their friends were coming for them.

Just then, there came a crashing sound from outside the shack. Gisela, Fitz, and Gethen all jumped to their feet.

"Stay here and watch them," Gisela commanded them before stepping outside.

Then, the shack was on fire.

Keefe and Maruca jumped up.

Gethen cursed and pushed them outside with Fitz right behind them.

Keefe heard the shack collapse in on itself behind them, but his eyes were focused on the people in front of them.

Sophie, Dex, Marella, and Linh.


Hey y'all! What did you think of the chapter? Comment what you think of Maruca! :)

This chapter was written by SleepyKeefeMuffin. 

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