Chapter 29

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"Do you know why you're here?" Emery asked.

"I'm here because I have decided to show the world that if we really work together, and fight for what's right, then we can defeat evil," Oralie said.

"No. You are here be-" Emery got cut off.

"She's right," Keefe said, standing up. "Sophie is exactly how Oralie described her. She has shown the world that we need to work together. Even all twelve of you! Or eleven. I don't know."

"She has also broken an oath that she has made," Emery confirmed.

"But see, you're avoiding Keefe's point," said surprisingly Stina, standing up beside Keefe.

Sophie had really grown to appreciate Stina.

"What Oralie is describing is her child. She has sworn not to have family," Emery reasoned.

"But you don't get the point. What if her child is the one who defeats evil, and then you're broken because of guilt because you exiled the mother?" Dex said, standing up.

"But she has lied to us for 15 years," Emery declared.

"No one asked if she had a child, and when Bronte asked what was wrong she told the truth," Biana said standing up.

"She would've told you if you asked," Wylie said standing up.

Sophie felt like she should say something. All her friends were standing up for her mother.

Sophie took a deep breath. "If you're going to punish anyone, punish me. I don't want to see someone get punished because of me. Oralie had an opportunity and she took it. She knew there were risks. She knew what was right for the world unlike you eleven! You all cower in your castles, and when it's time for a decision. You give it to an Emissary, or a Regent. She took matters into her own hands," Sophie stood up with the rest of her friends.

Oralie had tears running down her face when all six of them sat back down.

"I agree. If we didn't punish Ruy or Cyrah for all the lies and terrible things they'd done then why would we punish Oralie for doing the right thing," Bronte said.

"So you agree with a bunch of teenagers? What are you, a child? The Council does everything they can," Alina confessed.

"Really? Are we just a bunch of teenagers? We have done way more than all of you combined have done in a lifetime!" Keefe shouted.

"What are you trying to do?" Alina said.

"We're trying to make sure you make the right decision," Keefe said.

"Just let her be claimed innocent. That's all we're asking," Biana said.

"It's not that easy," Emery said.

"Actually it is. All we have to do is say she's innocent and we're done," Bronte said.

"No! She has lied to us!" Alina screamed.

"NO SHE HAS NOT!" Terik screamed.

"She just didn't reveal everything to us," Noland said.

Alina glared at Noland,

All the Councillors went silent. Sophie assumed they were having a telepathic conversation.

Then Bronte decided to talk out loud, so everyone else would have to be kept waiting.

"If you decide to Exile her. I am leaving the Council."

"Bronte. You of all people should understand she should be exiled," Velia said.

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