Chapter 14

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This chapter's format is a little different. I guess when I wrote it I wanted to spice it up a bit. Also, be prepared for a small, random sokeefe moment. :)


Sophie returned to Havenfield, and she realized she hadn't had a chance to talk with Keefe about how he was doing. He had been through a lot after waking up that morning.

With Keefe's dad and Ro still drugged and being taken care of at the Stone House, and the battle at the storehouse, and Biana at the Healing Center, and finding out he had an aunt, Sophie felt she should make sure he was okay before she got some much-needed sleep.


Hey, Foster. Is something wrong? Please don't tell me another member of the Neverseen is attacking who happens to be another long lost family member.

No, don't worry. Just me, wanting to know how you're doing with all of this.

Okay, I can deal with that then.

Silence followed. Sophie was about to tell him he didn't have to share anything when he thought, I almost killed her.


I was so mad, like madder than I've ever been. I don't know if it was because of my new ability, but I felt like I needed to make her hurt. Before she hurt anyone I cared about. I know that sounds really awful, but... for the first time, I actually wanted to use my power for evil.

Wow. Sophie almost slapped herself. Wow? That was all she had to say? I mean, those feelings weren't really your fault. They came from the right place. And you didn't use your power to kill her, right?

No, but if I did, that would've made me just as much of a killer as the Neverseen.

Exactly. But you didn't, and that's what matters. I am so proud of you, Keefe. You were amazing. Sorry, are amazing, Sophie transmitted, repeating what he'd said to her only hours before.

A moment of silence followed before Keefe thought, Thank you, Sophie.

No problem. If you ever need to talk, or just hang out to get your mind off of things, just call me. 

I will.


That night, Sophie told Grady and Edaline about the events of the day.

The surprise attack at the Shores of Solace, Ruy changing sides, going to the Neverseen's soporidine storehouse, and the fight at Eternalia. She also made sure to tell Grady all the things Keefe had done, hoping that would somehow make him go easier on him.

Sophie's parents were shocked. Grady especially. He asked questions, but seemed deep in thought and dazed.

"Are you okay?" Edaline asked Sophie, concerned.

"I'm alright," Sophie said, "but I need to make sure we actually get the soporidine from the Neverseen's hideout."

"What about Alvar?" Edaline wanted to know.

"Dex and Biana tied him up and made sure he couldn't go anywhere before they left the hideout. We still need to go back and get him too, though."

Grady turned to Sophie, and she expected him to tell her not to go back there because it was dangerous. Instead he said, "If you go back there, it's dangerous, so you should bring That- I mean Keefe with you."

Sophie's mouth fell open. All she could think to say was, "You called him Keefe?"

"I did," he responded, seeming a little reluctant. "You said he decided not to use his power to hurt Esme, even though he had the chance too, right?"


Grady held her gaze. "Being a Mesmer requires great self control, which is something I did not have when I manifested. Keefe did have that restraint. He proved himself to be stronger than any of us."

This was really short, so I think I'll publish another one today. Thanks for reading!

This chapter was written by SleepyKeefeMuffin.

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