Chapter 39

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They leaped to Everglen.

"Why are we here?" Sophie asked.

"You'll just have to find out," Keefe smirked.

When Keefe and Sophie knocked on the door Biana opened it smiling.

"GUESS WHAT!?!?" Biana screamed.

"What?" Sophie asked.


"Oh my gosh! When?"

"Like right now. Come on Dex."

Dex ran to the door.

"Hey guys! Are you excited?" Dex asked.

"Why wouldn't we be?" Keefe asked.

All four friends leaped away eagerly.

When they got there there was a huge crowd of people.

All ten Councillors were standing on the stage.

"Hello, we are very proud to announce the newest additions to the Council," Emery started. "Taking Alina's spot on the council is Fernan Babblos!"

The crowd erupted with cheers.

Sophie recognized the name. It was Jensi's brother.

"And taking Oralie's spot is..." Emery stopped and looked at the other Councillors and they nodded. Emery took a deep breath. "R-Ruy Ignis."

Sophie gasped.

Had she heard him right?

Ruy was trustworthy, but he just betrayed the Neverseen. She couldn't believe the Council was trusting him, but she was happy.

She knew Ruy was probably just as surprised. He probably volunteered thinking there was no way he could ever be Councillor.

But for some reason Councillor Noland had a big scowl on his face while all the other Councillors were cheering for the new Councillors.

Sophie looked at her friends. They looked thrilled.

"I can't believe it! Ruy?" Biana exclaimed.

"I know that's so awesome," Dex grinned.

Keefe just looked relieved.

"I'm glad it wasn't anyone we didn't trust. I can't believe the Council would choose Ruy," Keefe shrugged.

Sophie was happy that finally things were starting to get better.


After all the Council's announcements, the Collective, the Vackers, the Dizznees, Edaline and Grady, team Valiant, and obviously Ruy, were all gathered in Everglen.

"I can't believe it! I'm so happy for you!" Biana said.

"Thanks, I didn't even think I'd be an option," Ruy shrugged.

"I still think we should have your parents come and celebrate," Mr. Forkle said.

Ruy sighed.

"I mean if you really want them to..." Ruy said.

"Hey, you're a Councillor now so it's your call," Mr. Forkle chuckled.

"Fine, they can come..."

"If you don't that-"

"No, it's fine. They can come."

Mr. Forkle didn't even get to hail his parents, before they came barging into Everglen.

"RUY! I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!" Ruy's mother screamed.

"Joelle calm down," his father said.


Oralie ran in.

"Wow, it's really become a party hasn't it?" Stina asked.

"Ruy congratulations! I'm so happy for you. For once, the Council has made a good decision. Also, there might be a little problem. The Neverseen have escaped again," Oralie announced.


Can you believe Ruy's Councillor? When Julia wrote this chapter, she asked who I thought should be the new Councillor. I joked, "How about Ruy?" And then the idea stuck XD

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This chapter was written by 1234567890lalalala. Please go follow her if you like the story! 

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