Chapter 31

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Sophie felt herself breathe again. She opened her eyes to the night sky. She didn't have enough energy to get up, but she heard someone crying.

"Keefe! Sophie's awake!" Stina called coming over to Sophie and helping her up. Stina was burned and bleeding over her whole body.

"Where's Keefe?" Sophie asked.

"He' Let's get you to the Healing Center," Stina responded.

"First, tell me where Keefe is," Sophie demanded.

"I really don't think we should discuss this right now."

"What? Did he die?"

"NO! Gosh Sophie, try being less optimistic," Stina exaggerated.

"Seriously, where's Keefe, and who's crying?"

"Keefe is crying, now let's go."

"Why is he crying, Stina?"

"I'll tell you later."


"Fine. Fitz... is... oh Sophie I can't."


"Fine. See for yourself, but I'm warning you," Stina said, shaking her head.

Stina helped Sophie walk across the lawn, to where Keefe was hunched over a body.

Sophie's vision was still a little blurry, so she couldn't see who it was.

"Keefe, what is wrong?" Sophie asked.

Keefe couldn't speak.

Keefe, can you please tell me what's wrong? Sophie transmitted.

I killed my best friend, Sophie, Keefe thought.

Sophie took a step back.

It took her a moment to realize he was talking about Fitz.

"Is he really dea-"

"Yeah, Sophie, he's not breathing," Keefe said, barely able to speak.

Just then Keefe's Imparter was hailing. Dex was calling.

Keefe answered, and Dex's face popped into the screen.

"Hey! How did it go? Biana's awake. Ruy is still unconscious. Apparently he got hit harder. Why are you crying?" Dex said.

Biana's face popped on the screen too.

"Oh my gosh! Keefe are you ok?" Biana asked.

"Biana, I accidentally killed your brother."


Keefe, Sophie, and Stina were at the Healing Center watching Biana cry.

"Biana, I'm so sorry," Keefe said, his voice shaking.

"No, Keefe it's ok," Biana said, wiping the tears from her face.

Keefe sat down, he felt a little dizzy. He felt so guilty. Had he really just killed his friend?

"Keefe, what happened to Grady, Edaline, Esme, and Gisela?" Sophie asked, sniffling after each word.

"Grady and Edaline are safe and they are with Forkle right now. Maruca and Wylie are taking Gisela and Esme to the council right now and Gethen is right there even though you didn't ask about him," Keefe answered.

Biana was clinging to Dex, and Dex held her tighter.

"It's going to be ok Biana," Dex said, wiping the tears from Biana's face.

"Dex, can you come to Everglen tonight, we have two empty bedrooms you could sleep in," Biana suggested.

"Sure. I'll stay with you."

"Biana I'm really sorry about Fitz, I didn't mean- Ohhhh my head," Keefe said.

"SOMEONE GET ELWIN!" Sophie screamed.

"I'm right here Sophie, what do you- oh no Keefe are you ok?" Elwin asked.

"Yeah, my head just hurts. I'm ok- owww my head!!!" Keefe said.

Stina grabbed his hand, and she dropped it looking horrified.

"He's got a lot of guilt right now."

"NO!!" Sophie screamed, tears running down her face.

"I'll be ok Soph-Ahhhh owww," Keefe thrashed.

It felt like his brain was crashing down.

"KEEFE!" Was all Sophie could manage to say.

Keefe all of a sudden felt like everything around him was breaking into a thousand pieces. That's when the world went dark, and he knew no more.


Hey! It's Julia! 

Who is your favorite Councillor?

Mines Bronte, and Hazel's is Oralie.

Let's just say my hands were shaking when I wrote this chapter. Also, sorry about Keefe. 

And Biana...

It'll all be okay in the end.  

I think...

This chapter was written by 1234567890lalalala. Go follow meeeee!

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