Chapter 19

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Keefe decided that he should go home and give Sophie some space. Which was exactly what she needed. She needed time to think.

Was I too hard on Fitz? Maybe I should've kept him while I could? What now?

Those questions kept repeating in Sophie's head. Over and over and over again.

Then there was a quiet knock on the door.

"Come in," Sophie croaked.

Grady walked in and sat on the bed next to her.

"Hey, I wanted to check on how you're doing," Grady said.

"I'm miserable."

"Hmmm... is there something I can do?"

"I don't know."

"Are you up to going to Foxfire tomorrow?"

"I think I should go."

"It's your decision."

"I'm gonna go."

Grady managed to make a little smile, but Sophie could tell that he wasn't sure she was ready.



"Did Keefe tell you if he's coming tomorrow?"

"Yeah. He is, though I told him that I wouldn't be disappointed if he didn't show up."

"Wow. You've really changed your point of view on Keefe, haven't you?"

Grady just winked. Sophie was glad Grady had finally managed to like Keefe a bit. At least something good was happening.

"I need to go check on someone and thank them. Is that okay?"

"Who do you need to thank?"



The next morning Keefe got on his Foxfire uniform. He didn't want to go to Foxfire, but he needed to go to get his mind off of Fitz. He light leaped to Foxfire's fields, and surprisingly he was early. Which meant he had to listen to Magnate Leto's announcement. He found Sophie, Biana, Dex, and Stina clumped together. He decided to walk over to them and hang out with them because he had no friends in his level anymore.

"Hey, Keefe," Stina said, clearly trying to be optimistic, for the first time.

"Hey," Keefe mumbled.

"You're early today. Shocker."

"Yeah. I was all alone. I had nothing else to do."

"Oh. Sorry. I'm sure Ro and Lord Cassius will wake up soon."


Just then Magnate Leto came into view, but Keefe and his friends didn't pay attention to Magnate Leto's announcements. They were too busy looking at three cloaked figures. Keefe and his friends sneaked out of the crowd of prodigies to investigate. They walked up to the hooded figures.

"Ahh. It looks like they don't have Ruy to protect them. Now's our chance," Gisela announced to the other two hooded figures.

"What do you want?" Biana asked.

"We want Keefe," Fitz said.

Biana took a step back when she heard Fitz's voice.

"Why would you want me?" Keefe questioned.

"You'll have to find out," Esme said.

Biana run away and hail Ruy, Sophie transmitted.

Biana must have agreed because she ran away.

"The little Vanisher's too scared to face her brother, isn't she?" Gisela questioned.

Just then Biana came back with Ruy. When he saw the hooded figures he snapped a force field around them.

"How many times do you guys attack in a week?" Ruy complained.

"Ruy knows how we win. We need to change our plans," Gisela confirmed.

"That's right. You need to give them a break," Ruy snapped.

"Uhhh. What's the point? We need to come up with a new strategy. Come on, let's go figure something out, and don't worr-'' Esme got cut off.

"I didn't come here for no reason," Fitz interrupted. "New plan, I want Ruy and Keefe."

"That's what we're hoping, but we need a plan," Esme reasoned.

"We aren't just gonna wait for you to make a plan," Stina countered.

"Yeah. I know," Fitz said, rolling his eyes.

Keefe, Mesmer them to go away. Sophie transmitted.

Keefe thought really hard. He needed to do what he did before.

GO AWAY. Go away. Go. Away. Keefe thought.

There was the energy.

It worked!

"Why am I pulling out my pa-" Gisela asked.

"KEEFE! YOU WILL PAY!!" Fitz screamed.

They glittered away.

"Wow, way to go Sophie!" Keefe cheered.

"Thanks for coming, Ruy," Sophie said.

"Any time. Just hail me and I'll be there," Ruy shrugged.

"Thanks for sticking to the plan guys," Sophie declared.

"Sophie! Are you okay?" Magnate Leto asked as he appeared out of nowhere.

"Yeah. We're okay. Thanks to Biana, Keefe, and Ruy," Sophie explained.

"What were they here for this time?"

"Keefe and Ruy, but they are too scared of Ruy's force fields," Sophie chuckled.

"Oh, that reminds me. Ruy, would you mind training Maruca at Foxfire?"

"Woah, sure? Though I'm not that great at teaching, but I can try," Ruy admitted.

"Then come with me. Then you kids get to your sessions. Have a good day!"

Ruy followed Magnate Leto to his office, and Keefe and his friends walked into Foxfire.

"Bye, Sophie. I got to go see Grady," Keefe said.

"Bye! Hope you have a good Mesmer session today!" Sophie called back.

Keefe walked to his class, though he hesitated before he opened the door. When he walked in he was surprised to see a smile on Grady's face.

"Hello, Keefe. Are you ready for your first session?"  


What did you think of that surprise attack on Foxfire?? 

Thanks for reading. Please comment, and don't forget to vote! :) I hope everyone's having a great week!

This chapter was written by 1234567890lalalala. She's the bestsest— go follow her if you like this fanfic! ;)

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