Chapter 42

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Hey guys! I didn't update on Saturday... again lol. I think from now on I'll only update Tuesdays and Thursdays. Three times a week is a little much when the chapters are getting longer now. Plus, I'm honestly too busy these days. XD


But today is Tuesday, so... ta-da! Here's chapter 42!


"Remember, I'm here for whatever you need."

Sophie smiled serenely up at him. "I know." She squeezed his hand, and Keefe squeezed back.

But when Sophie turned to Stina, who was lying on a cot in the Healing Center, her nervous butterflies were palpable.

They became an overwhelming rush as Sophie began enhancing him. Keefe also sensed her focus and determination.

Sophie would heal Stina's broken mind easily. His job was just to calm Sophie down if she needed it.

He couldn't let himself get distracted by anything else--not the pressure of Sophie's hand in his, or the warm feelings that Sophie felt whenever they touched, or--

Focus, Keefe! He thought, wondering if he could Mesmer himself into obeying.

"How is it going?" Dex asked him.

"Well, Foster's not freaking out, so it must be going well," Keefe replied.

Dex nodded. "Good to know."

"How long does this usually take?" Wylie asked.

"Ten to fifteen minutes," Biana replied matter-of-factly.

Keefe realized they'd been through this routine a lot.

Just then, Sophie's emotions plummeted.

Crackly waves of anger.

Sharp stabs of fear.

And over it all, a heavy blanket of grief.

Keefe wasted no time, and pushed calm blue breezes into Sophie's mind.

It wasn't enough to chase away the storm of negative emotions, so Keefe pushed the breezes faster, making a whirlwind of his own. Finally, the peace overtook Sophie's emotions, and the winds settled.

She jumped back from Stina with a start, as if she were waking from a nightmare.

"Are you all right, Sophie?" Keefe took her other hand.

"What happened?" Biana asked.

"I... don't know. I-I saw something... I don't think Stina wanted me to see it..."

"Is she healed?" Dex wondered.

"Yeah," Stina mumbled groggily, sitting up in her cot. She looked around at everyone's faces.

Except for Sophie's, Keefe noticed. Was that shame in her expression?

"Stina, why didn't you tell any of us before?" Sophie asked quietly.

"I... I was scared. I'm sorry, I meant to tell you, but I couldn't find the right time. And... I-I didn't want anyone to blame me. I'm sorry."

"Stina, what is going on?" Keefe demanded.

Dex, Biana, and Wylie all looked bewildered too.

Sophie sighed, rubbing her temples. From all her nerves and nausea, Keefe was tempted to just let it go.

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