Chapter 48

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Hey y'all! Hope you're having a great week! 


I know I've probably said this before, but Julia and I have had so much fun with this and we're very glad people like this story! Everyone's support is so encouraging. Your comments, votes, and everything are very much appreciated! <3 <3 <3

This chapter's extra long, so enjoy!


"I see she's recovered from her melder blast," Biana murmured.

"Sure have!" Obsidian giggled. "Don't think I won't get you back for that, by the way! But apparently, I can't right now..."

Guys, let's leave before it gets ugly... again. Sophie transmitted to everyone--including Ruy's mother, Joelle, who looked terrfied.

"Obsidian, focus and do it now before you let them escape again!" Gisela shouted.

"Okay," Obsidian sighed, but she sounded strange... reluctant, maybe?

She raised her arms.


"STOP!" Maruca screamed. She threw up a force field around Ruy. Which gave Keefe time to mesmer Obsidian. Which gave Sophie an opening to inflict on her.

Soon Obsidian was on the ground, writhing in pain.

Gisela sighed in frustration. "I should never have told her... nevermind. I guess I'll have to do this the hard way then."

Before anyone could react, she had thrust out her arm toward Ruy, who was still under Maruca's force field.

Gisela's brow furrowed. Then her arm was shaking, and she cried out in pain.

"Are you inflicting on her, Foster?" Keefe asked.

Gisela doubled over.

"No, I'm not," Sophie said, bewildered.

Now Gisela was on the ground, panting, sweat beading on her brow.

"That wasn't supposed to happen, was it, Gisela?" Vespera asked disdainfully. Gisela could do nothing but shake her head. Vespera scoffed. "And you wonder why I won't take that... unnatural substance you've created."

"Are you talking about stellarlune?" Dex asked.

"It's nothing... you need t-to know... about," Gisela gasped, struggling, and failing, to lift herself up from the ground. She was currently in an awkward squat position.

Sophie would've inflicted on her, but Gisela was already obviously not going anywhere.

"A little h-help... p-please?" Gisela grunted to Vespera.

Vespera took a step toward her, but then did a little twirl and some strange wiggle dance.

Biana sighed. "Keefe... just... why?"

Sophie was trying not to laugh.

"Sorry! But Vespera desperately needs some dance lessons," Keefe smirked.

Sophie's attempts were thwarted.

"Stop this!" Vespera shouted, now doing a stomp-spin-skip routine that reminded Sophie of Foxfire's Opening Ceremonies dances.

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