Chapter 17

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Hello! Sorry for not updating on Tuesday. My Wattpad account has some sort of bug, and I can't publish chapters from my computer. So now I have to update on mobile, which is super annoying lol. Anyway, enjoy the belated chapter!


The next day, Sophie decided to go check on Biana and Dex. She also brought Dex another pair of clothes to change into.

When she got into the Healing Center, Dex was sitting on the cot next to Biana.

"Hey Dex!" Sophie said.

"Oh, hey Sophie," Dex responded.

"I brought you some clothes."

"Thanks," Dex grabbed the clothes then sat down again.

"How are you doing?"


"It doesn't sound like you're good."

"Sophie, Fitz was just here a few seconds ago, and said that you were the biggest jerk on the planet, and then left. What happened? Also, what did they do with Ruy?"

"Woah...Fitz was getting angry, because he isn't on Team Valiant, and you know he can get really mad sometimes. I'm sure he'll cool off soon. Ruy got set free, because of his heroism."

"Wow. I'm happy for Ruy."

"Me too."



"Can you stay for a little longer? I could really have someone to talk to."

"Of course. Also, thanks for helping with Alvar."

"Anytime. I enjoyed working on something with you. I really miss doing it."

"I'll make sure you can work with me a lot more."

Elwin ran into the room.

"Oh hey, Sophie. You're here at the perfect time. Biana should be waking up any second now."

Dex and Sophie's faces lit up.

Ten minutes later Biana woke up. She was surprised to see Dex and Sophie.

"Hey guys. What did I miss?"

Dex ran to Biana and hugged her, and she hugged back.

"I'm so sorry, Biana."

"It's okay, Dex. I'm just glad to see everyone else made it."

"Yeah. Actually, Ruy saved Elwin, and he's free now. He had his Tribunal, and he has no punishments," Sophie explained.

"Wow! That's exciting. Where's Fitz?"

"He left. Though he's not in the greatest mood right now."

"Too bad. I'll check in with him later."

"Biana, I got to check you one more time, and then you're free to go," Elwin said as he flashed an orange orb over Biana's chest.

"Ok. Looks good. Bye Biana, Dex, and Sophie," Elwin said as he went to his office.

"Bye Elwin," the three of them said in unison.

"Let's go to Havenfield. Edaline's making mallowmelt," Sophie suggested.

"Ok," Biana and Dex said.

They leaped to Havenfield.

"Oh hey guys! Biana! How are you doing? The mallowmelt will be done in a few minutes, but you're welcome to hang around and wait," Edalined said as they walked through the door.

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