Chapter 47

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The next day Sophie, Keefe, Dex, Biana, and Maruca went to the Healing Center to visit Ruy.

Maruca had been dying to visit Ruy. She annoyed them so much that Keefe and Sophie finally gave in. They told her that Ruy was still unconscious from the soporidine.

"Ruy, it looks like you have some visitors," Elwin called as he opened the door for them.

Ruy was awake.

Ruy grinned when he saw the five of them.

"Ruy, how are you feeling? Sophie, Keefe, and Maruca told me and Dex what happened! It must've been dreadful," Biana said.

"I'm fine, just... missing a few parts." Ruy's smile faded. "I'm sorry for scaring you guys."

"Ruy don't be sorry, it's not your fault you got...evaporated," Sophie reassured.

"Elwin, have you found anything to help Ruy? If so we also need some help for Dex's pinky," Keefe announced.

"DEX TOO?!?!?" Elwin yelled. "I haven't found anything yet, but trust me I'm doing everything I possibly can. Though there is a slight chance that I might not be able to find anything, but I will try everything before I give in."

Elwin went back into his office.

Ruy stared at the ground. Sophie couldn't imagine being told she might never get her hands, arms, and feet again.

"We'll figure something out," Sophie confirmed.

"You heard Elwin, there might not be anything, and that's okay. It's probably what I deserve," Ruy said, his voice cracking at the last word.

"Ruy, we aren't judging you for your past. You're way nicer than we thought a member of the Neverseen could be. Look, even the Council isn't judging you for your past. Look how far you've gotten, from member of the Neverseen to Councillor of the Lost Cities. People look up to you. You're my hero. You don't deserve the Neverseen beating you up," Maruca said, tears streaming down her face.

Ruy was crying too. "Thank you," he whispered.

"You're going to be just fine whether there's a cure or not. You still have friends who care about you. You don't need to have an ability to be loved. I mean you still have your abilities, they just... You get the point," Keefe said.

"My abilities," Ruy said, his eyes bugging out. "I-I hadn't thought of that. Both my abilities use my hands which means my abilities would be...gone."

"Ruy, it's going to be hard at first, but you're going to get through this," Sophie said, pulling his silver cape over the spot where his shoulder ended.

Ruy took a deep breath and swung his legs to the side of the cot. Sophie tried not to look at where his feet were supposed to be, but it couldn't be helped. Ruy sighed when he saw all their eyes wander to the bottom of his legs.

"Is it really that noticeable?" Ruy asked.

"No," Keefe said.

"Not really," Dex said.

Ruy didn't look convinced.

"Elwin! I think it's time to go. Ruy should probably go too," Sophie said.

"I guess he can go. I think I have a wheelchair somewhere. I'll be back," Elwin said, disappearing out of the Healing Center.

Ruy sighed as Elwin walked away. He stared at the bottom of his legs. It was silent until Elwin came back.

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