Chapter 43

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Keefe, Biana, Wylie, and Dex were as pale as ghosts.

"So... that's how it happened..." Dex breathed.

Biana's eyes filled with tears. "St-stina, it's not your-"

"Fault. I've already heard that one enough. Anyway we all know it's partially my fault." Stina interrupted.

"Stina..." Sophie's voice got trailed off.

"It's done. We can't go back. I'll be fine," Stina said, giving a reassuring smile.

There was an awkward silence.

"So, you've met Obsidian?" Dex asked.

"Yeah..." Stina mumbled.

"Guys, let's um go to Havenfield. We should just hang out," Sophie said, trying to lighten the mood.

"Sounds good," Keefe said.

They all leaped to Havenfield.

Waiting at the door was Edaline.

"Hey, guys! Maruca's inside. She said she had to tell you guys something," Edaline smiled.

Sure enough, Maruca was inside.

"Hey Maruca!" Wylie said.

"Hey guys." Maruca said.

"Did you want to tell us something?" Sophie asked.

"Yeah," Maruca looked uncomfortable. "I-I saw Ruy..."

"Ummm... what else is new?" Stina asked.

Maruca looked at the floor, trying not to make any eye contact with anyone.

"I saw him talking with the Neverseen..." Maruca said.

"WHAT?!?!" Keefe yelled.

"Are you sure it was Ruy?" Sophie asked.

"Pos-positive." Maruca responded.

"Excuse me, I have to go talk to someone," Sophie said, pulling out her pathfinder.

"Let me come with you," Keefe said.

He grabbed Sophie's hand, and they leapt away without another word.


Keefe and Sophie saw Ruy outside talking with Bronte and Fernan.

"You!" Sophie said, pointing at Ruy.

"Me?" Ruy asked.

"How could you betray us?" Sophie asked.

"WHAT!?!" Ruy, Fernan, and Bronte yelled.

"Where are you getting this information?" Bronte asked.

"Maruca," Sophie answered.

"Maruca?" Ruy questioned. "Why does she think I've betrayed you?"

"She saw you talking with the Neverseen," Keefe said.

"Umm, the last time I talked to the Neverseen is when I was suffocating from shadowflux..." Ruy explained.

"And he hasn't been alone for less than a second," Fernan exaggerated.

"He doesn't have time to contact the Neverseen. He's a mentor and a Councillor, and may I mention Mr. Forkle keeps probing his mind," Bronte reasoned.

"Well, I don't think Maruca would lie..." Sophie said.

"Me neither," Ruy said, "Are you sure she saw me?"

"She said she was positive," Sophie said.

"She looked strange though..." said a voice from behind.

No one realized that Wylie had entered Eternalia.

"What do you mean?" Keefe asked.

"She just didn't seem sure," Wylie said. "She somewhat looked like she was lying."

"But why would she lie?" Ruy asked.

"I don't know..." Wylie admitted. "I just know when she's lying."

"I don't think Ruy is guilty," Sophie confirmed.

"And what makes you think that?" Ruy asked.

"Because I read your mind, and don't get mad. This was an emergency."

"It's fine," Ruy said, giving a reassuring smile, "If that was the only way I wouldn't be accused."

"Good, now that that's settled we need to ask Maruca what's going on," Bronte said.

Maruca glittered into Eternalia.

"I'll tell you what's going on, the Neverseen...ummm the Neverseen came and forced me to tell you guys that," Maruca confirmed.

Everyone looked unconvinced.

Sophie sighed. "Why didn't you tell us?"

"I don't know. This creepy lady said she'd evaporate me if I didn't," Maruca shivered.

"Okay, now I believe her," Keefe said.

They all nodded in agreement.

Maruca had tears streaming down her face. "I'm sorry, I should've told you guys, but... the threat seemed so real."

"It's okay," Sophie said, "Just tell us next time."

"Oh great, next time..." Maruca grunted.

Just then three figures came into view.

Gisela and this other person, and an unconscious Stina.

"That's the creepy person I was talking about," Maruca shivered.

Keefe shivered. "Obsidian."


Yayyy Obsidian's here! She's honestly my favorite. Though I might just be biased because she's our OC. Be prepared, things are about to get a bit strange, a little mushy, and kinda melty.

Question: Would you rather lose your hands or your feet? Or both? I think my hands are too precious, and I could use a wheelchair without feet, so I'd rather lose my feet.

Losing both would be HORRIBLE.

This chapter was written by 1234567890lalalala!reh wollof oG

I wanted it to be interesting, okay? Don't question it. XD

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