Chapter 23

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That evening Sophie, and Team Valiant were gathered in Havenfield's living room. Sophie told everyone about what they had figured out in the cache.

"So, Stellarlune gives someone a powerful new ability?" Stina asked.

"Yeah, I guess," Sophie responded.

"Hmmm... I guess that would explain why Keefe's a mesmer," Biana reasoned.

"Yeah, and Gisela and Esme," Dex added.

"Why hasn't Gisela used her Hemokinesis?" Wylie questioned.

"That's what we've been trying to figure out," Keefe explained.

"Okay guys. We need to start working as a team," Sophie reasoned.

"What do you mean?" Biana asked.

"There are six of us. So, I think we should split up in three separate groups, so we can tackle three things off our list of things to figure out."

"That's actually a good plan," Stina acknowledged.

"Okay. Dex and Wylie, can you guys look into Hemokinesis?"

"Sure," They both responded.

"Keefe and Biana, I want you guys to look into shadowflux and quintessence?"

"Yep," They both agreed.

"That leaves me and Stina, so we ca-"

"Did you seriously leave me to be with you? I never thought that would happen. Maybe we should be Team Sophie and Stina," Stina interrupted.

Everyone laughed except Sophie.

"Whatever. What I was going to say was, we can work on figuring out more about Esme's background information. Does that sound good?"

"Works for me."

"But right now, Keefe, Biana, and Dex come with me."

"Wow, so you're just gonna leave me and Wylie behind?"

"You guys can come."

"So where exactly are we going?" Dex questioned as they stepped into the light.

"You'll see."

When they got there, Dex and Keefe gasped. Stina, Wylie, and Biana looked confused.

"So what is this place?" Wylie asked.

"This is Ruy's estate."

"And why are we here?" Biana asked.

"I need to figure something out."

"What do you mean?"

"You'll see."

"That's all you've been telling us constantly," Dex shared.

"Yeah, Foster why are we here?" Keefe questioned.

"Guys, be patient," Sophie complained.

Keefe just shook his head and walked up to the door with the others.

Sophie knocked.

Ruy opened it.

"Am I in trouble?" Ruy asked as he opened the door and put his hands up in the air.

"We honestly don't know. Sophie just brought us here and told us nothing," Dex explained.

"Well, that's mysterious," Ruy winked. "So, Sophie, why are you here?"

Sophie took a deep breath. "I want you to take off your addler."


"May I ask why?" Ruy questioned.

"I want to see your face," Sophie reasoned.

"Why couldn't you tell us this before?" Dex asked.

"I don't know. I just needed to get it done."

"Okay. You want it off, then it'll be off." Ruy sighed.

He took it off.

To Keefe's surprise, he didn't look creepy at all. He thought that he would've hidden what he looked like for a reason, but Ruy just looked like a normal elf.

To be honest, Ruy kind of looked like a Vacker.

Kind of.

He had dark brown hair that looked like Fitz's while at least the way it was styled.

But he had the prettiest ocean blue eyes.

"Woah," Biana breathed.

Ruy laughed. "This probably wasn't what you were expecting from someone who hid their identity."

"Ruy, keep it off. People want to see you smile, and see you for you." Sophie reasoned.

"You think they'd even recognize me?" Ruy questioned.

"Somehow, I think they would. You somehow look familiar. Like I knew this was what you looked like before, but I had no clue what you looked like," Keefe answered.

"Yeah, Keefe's right," Dex agreed.

The rest nodded in agreement.

"Well, I'll do it for you guys."

"Thanks, Ruy," Sophie smiled.

And they all saw Ruy smile back.


What did you think of Ruy's face? Lol, that's such a strange question. Julia was soooo excited to write this chapter, and I love being able to imagine what he looks like! :)

This chapter was written by 1234567890lalalala. She's brilliant-- go follow her! (If you haven't already ;) )

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