Chapter 49

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It's the second to last chapter, y'all!!!! So exciting!


The next day, Keefe came over to Havenfield, trying to decide what to do now that they had the upper-hand. Everything was coming along. They just needed to capture the rest of the Neverseen, but at least right now the Council was free of traitors. Though Sophie was pretty sure Ruy would've wanted to see their victory with Noland. Sophie hadn't seen Ruy for more than a week. She had no clue how he was handling all this. When she saw Maruca yesterday, she said it had been rough. Sophie has no clue what that meant, but it didn't sound good. So eventually they decided to see how he was doing.

They leaped to Eternalia, and the first thing Sophie noticed was that the once pink tourmaline castle was now the same aquamarine as Ruy's circlet jewel. Maruca said that Joelle had renovated his castle to help him out.

When Sophie knocked on the door Joelle opened the door and smiled. "Hey! Ruy will be so thrilled to see you two."

"How is he?" Sophie asked.

"Umm, he's having a rough time with it, but..."

"Did you know about Obsidian?" Keefe asked.

"Yes and no. I didn't know it was Kieran, but-"

"Kieran?" Keefe questioned.

"Yes, but I should've known, after all Fintan was leading that horrid group."

"What's this got to do with Fintan?"

"It doesn't matter. Ruy's over there."

Joelle let them come inside and they followed where she pointed, and there was Ruy.

He was just sitting there staring at the ground. He had his silver cape drawn over his shoulders, and his boots were pulled over the bottom of his legs. He looked completely normal. No one would've guessed that he was missing any limbs. He had grey lines under his eyes, and his eyes were bloodshot. Sophie guessed he hadn't been sleeping very well.

"Hey Ruy, we just wanted to check to see how you were doing," Sophie asked, taking a seat next to him.

"I'm fine," Ruy mumbled. He mumbled so softly that Sophie could barely hear him.

"You don't look fine. Did someone catch you up on what happened yesterday?"

"Yeah, Fernan came here this morning."

"Ruy, is there anything we could do to help you out? You look so miserable."

"You would be too if you lost two limbs and your feet, and you lost your abilities because you don't have hands, and you found out that you have a sister who happens to be part of the Neverseen and you almost killed her," Ruy's voice rose as he talked.

Sophie sighed, Ruy had a point. "I'm so sorry... Is there anything that would help?"

"There actually is one thing..." Ruy said, going back to his mumbling.

"And what's that?" Sophie asked.

Ruy took a deep breath. "I want to see Obsidian."


"WHAT!? Why?" Keefe asked.

"I want to make sure she's okay."

"Ruy... are you sure you wanna see her? Wouldn't that make things worse?" Sophie asked.

"I don't know, but I want to apologize. That would make me feel better."

"Ruy, just because you hurt someone doesn't mean you have to apologize. Look what she did to you. Did she apologize? No. Ruy, she's part of the Neverseen."

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