Chapter 35

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Sophie's first thought was KEEFE LIKES ME?

Sophie had already gone through this, and the outcome was terrible. She didn't know if she could handle this. Did she even like Keefe? She tried to deny it, but her heart wouldn't stop fluttering. Like this was the moment her heart has been waiting for.

She stepped forward, leaning towards Keefe, and he leaned towards her. Sophie took a deep breath and then they kissed. It was the longest kiss she had ever experienced.

"Lord Hunkyhair it's time to-oh..." Ro stopped mid phrase, and Sophie and Keefe let go of each other. "Umm, Hunkyhair it's probably time to go home."

"Yeah, bye Sophie. I'll see you tomorrow," Keefe said, smirking as he and Ro glittered away.

Sophie couldn't believe it. Had she really kissed Keefe?

"Miss Foster, what will your parents say?" Sandor's squeaky voice said as he walked toward her.

"I don't know." Sophie said, still lost in thought. "We should probably go inside."

"Yeah, I think that's a good idea."

Sophie walked inside with Sandor. Grady and Edaline were waiting for her at the door.

Sophie groaned. Had they really been watching that whole time?

"Hey, Sophie. It's almost morning," Edaline said with a soft smile on her face.

"Maybe you should stay home from Foxfire. The whole Team Valiant is, so you guys could get some work done," Grady said, looking uncomfortable.

"Okay," Sophie mumbled walking toward the stairs.

"Wait, before you go up. Grady wants to talk to you," Edaline said.

Sophie walked back and groaned. She knew what Grady wanted to say.

"Sophie, let's sit down," Grady said, leading her into the living room. "Sophie, Keefe is a wonderful person, but do you really think he's the right one? You've already made the mistake."

"Grady, Keefe's different. He doesn't want power, or to be the best. He doesn't care if he'll be a bad match like Fitz. All he wants is someone he truly loves and someone who loves him back."

Grady sighed. "I guess you're right. It's really late, I think it's time you get some rest."

"Yeah. Good night, Grady," Sophie said, standing up.

"Oh, and Sophie, just because you know who your parents are, doesn't mean we don't love you," Grady said.

"Wait, if Oralie's off the Council now, do you think I could get my match lists?"

"We'll have to talk about that another day. You really need some rest."

Sophie walked to her room, Sandor trailing behind.

She didn't even bother changing, she just lied on her bed and went to sleep.

When she woke up the next morning, she got dressed and headed down stairs.

"Team Valiant will be here any second," Edaline said, smiling her warm smile.

"I think we're gonna work outside today.""


Sophie walked slowly outside. Stina, Biana, and Dex just glittered into view.

"Hey, Sophie," Dex said.

"Hey guys."

Keefe and Wylie glittered into the scene.

When Sophie saw Keefe they gave a little look. Stina must've caught it, because she had a little smirk on her face.

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