Chapter 25 - The Rise of an Alpha

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Four hours... it had been four hours! Every hour that passed made me more and more anxious. I volunteered to get some food from the shop, I had to leave and get some fresh air, Isaac came along with me. He had been feeling the same. We surprisingly got along, talking to him really helped with my anxiety, he was actually pretty funny.

"So you and Stiles?" He smirked on our way back to the Animal Clinic. "I didn't realise you guys were a thing"

"Neither did I", I replied smiling to myself as I remember our kiss.

"It's clear that you both like each other but I didn't think you were brave enough to tell each other". He bit into a BLT sandwich.

"Oh we weren't, I was as surprised as you at our kiss", I admitted. Isaac gestured the sandwich towards me, I nodded my head allowing him to move the sandwich towards my mouth so I could take a bite out of it. "Not too bad. So what about you and Allison?"

"What about us?" He pulled the sandwich away from my face.

"You guys clearly like each other, I also saw the way you looked at her when she was paired with with Lydia, you wanted to be her emotional tether".

"Shut up", he said dryly, I chuckled at his poor attempt to deflect his feelings.

My chest sunk as I asked "do you think we will find them?"

"I don't know", he replied, my face dropped he must've seen this as he carried on. "But what I do know is that we will stop at nothing to find them. Stiles, Scott and Allison are doing the most they can".

When we got back to the Animal Clinic, I spent the next two hours sitting on the floor with Lydia and talking about the latest gossip that was circling the school. Apparently Jake had been cheating on Amy with her friend Summer but it turns out that Amy was also cheating on Jake with Summer. Lydia knew everything that happened in the school, people would just come up and tell her, it was really helpful during times with these when I needed to be distracted. The conversation soon died down so I went to stand outside for a while, exhaustion coming over me as I couldn't stop myself from yawning. The icy air pinched my cheeks, I felt them turning a crimson colour along with my nose. My breath was foggy I watched as it disappeared into the air. The door opened and closed behind me, I looked over my shoulder to see Isaac standing behind me, leaning against the wall.

"Here", he pulled his scarf off his neck in one swift motion and wrapped it around mine.

"Was Isaac Lahey just nice to me?" I smirked causing him to roll his eyes.

"Don't get used to it".

I took a few steps backward until my back touched the rough wall. There was a moment of silence between us until I break it. "I would hate to be in their situation, I don't know what I'd do if Jennifer had taken my dad".

"God I wish someone had taken my dad", he muttered a sense of hatred in his voice.

"Did you not get along with him?" I asked softly, hoping to not overstep.

"Get along?" He scoffed. "No we didn't get along, that monster abused me".

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't know", I awkwardly rubbed the back of my next as I tried not to infuriate the werewolf more.

He forced a breath out of his nostrils before his breathing became softer. "No it's okay, it's not something I like to tell people beside most people already know so luckily I never had to tell anyone".

I adjusted Isaac scarf that sat around my neck. "What happened to him?"

"Jackson killed him... as a Kanima", he added to avoid confusion. "I thought I'd be happier with him dead but he still finds a way to haunt me. Sometimes I don't think I'll ever be free of him".

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