Chapter 31 - Lost

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I didn't know what to think of everything that has just been revealed to me. Obviously I didn't believed Stiles would ever purposely tell Barrow to kill Kira, he is the most kindest and sweetest person I have ever met so that only leads to more questions. Why did Stiles have the key to the chemistry back room and why did he give Barrow a clue to kill Kira? I went asleep with a lot more questions than answers but with me needing to wake up in a few hours for school so I didn't dwell on them too much.

Stiles dropped me to school but I didn't see much of him after that, actually I didn't see much of anyone besides Lydia. She had filled me in on the events the night before, shadowy ninja like figures who carried swords came and marked everyone of our friends. Once you were marked you went into shock and had to be physically shaken out of it. It happened to Isaac the night before and I guess with everyone being the same place it was easy for them to attack everyone at the same time. No one knew exactly what these mysterious figures were and why they were marking everyone but it didn't seem good.

"Do you think they'll come back, you know to get Stiles and I?" I asked, nervously fiddling with my sleeves, I didn't want to be next.

"I don't know but what I do know is that come at night", she chewed the inside of her lip. She must've noticed how nervous I was as she says. "Why don't you stay around mine tonight?"


"Yeah in case they do come, I want to be there for you to help you out of that shock". I know she was being caring and I appreciated that but I wish she had told me I didn't need to come over and need to be taken out of shock.

Lydia drove me home to grab a few things for tonight. We rented a movie to watch together and bought a few snacks, I think Lydia thought this would make me feel better. She was right, after munching on some unhealthy snacks and watching the latest action movie, I felt so much calmer. I hadn't thought about the spooky ninja or stiles once and the impending doom that he could be responsible for Kira's murder attempt.

Before going to bed I went to Lydia's bathroom, to wash my face and brush my teeth, my nighttime ritual. I borrowed one of her dressing as her house has suddenly become cold. The house was dark and quiet, empty since Lydia's mum had gone out with some friends. Her dog Prada followed me out of the bedroom but once I reached the bathroom he refused to follow me in, even whining a little like he was trying to tell me something but I ignored it and watched him run back to the bedroom. I started running the tap, letting the cold water run for a second before splashing it into my face. I tensed as the cold air stung my face, I wiped the water off my face with my hand and continue to brush my teeth. I finished my gargling some mouth wash, my least favourite step, it always burnt my tongue. I leant over the sink to spit out the minty liquid into it, spitting excessively so that the harsh taste would leave my mouth. I lifted my head looking at my reflection in the mirror when I noticed something from the corner of my eye, a dark figure moving I flinched at the sight. My heat skipping a beat and quickened it's pace, I looked behind me and there stood three shadows coalesces into a a human figure, they had masks and their eyes glowed a light green they didn't look anything like I expected especially with them being described as ninja, they looked more like warriors. I was expecting this, I knew soon enough it'd be my turn to be marked by them. Thoughts raced through my mind, would it be painful? How long would this mark last? What was it for? Are they protecting or attacking me? They stepped forward in unison, closing in on me. I took a step back, backing into the sink, I had no where to go. I took a deep breath knowing my friends were okay after this gave me some reassurance that I would be to, panic seized through my body as one put their hand behind my neck. I assumed I wouldn't be able to feel them, with their ethereal appearance, I was wrong. In one swift motion the figure slide it's hand behind my ear, I felt a sharp pain and my body began to viciously shiver, a coldness surging through my veins. I dropped to the floor not being able to control what was happening to my body, my vision became blurry and the figures disappeared into the walls. Prada had finally found the courage to come into the bathroom, he whined loudly and started to lick my face, this is why he was acting strange earlier he could sense them.

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