Chapter 29 - Malia

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I had always found maths a boring lesson, I was never excited for it even though I sat right next to Stiles. I tried really hard to understand it, I got the equations but I would always be stumped on the questions if someone told me what equation to do for each question I'd ace it. However, with my dyslexia I always struggled to put the sentences together and understand what it was asking me to do. We had a pop quiz today, everyone's favourite type of quiz. Who wouldn't want to do a quiz that you haven't prepared for and stresses you out, I know I would. Stiles tried to help me out but showing me his quiz from time to time but he's not exactly a maths genius himself so I'm the end I just coloured in the circle I felt like.

I had a free period next so I decided to go to the library and try to study maths. Reading from a text book doesn't help either, it confuses me more I need someone to show me what to do. I decided to go to the girls toilet to give myself a break.

I spent a few seconds in front of the mirror, making sure I looked somewhat decent. I had a few spots dotted around my face and the bags under my eyes were dark, late nights were taking a toll on me. Lucky for me every other teenager had the exact same problem thanks to puberty, so I put some lip balm on and walked out of the toilets. The hallway was empty, everyone was in their lessons yet I could faintly hear some loud commotion going on from the boys toilets. I walked over to the door, placing my ear up against it to hear what was going on, I couldn't hear what was being said but I know that it was Scott in there and he sounded worried. So I went in, not caring that I was going into the boys toilets.

Scott's head shot over to me as the door closed behind me. "Emily?"

My eyes darted to Stiles, who was gripping onto the sides of the sink and leaning over it. His breathing was heavy and rapid and sweat dripped off his forehead. He was having a panic attack. "Stiles are you okay?" I rushed over to him, placing my hand on his back and moving it in circular motions.

"It's a dream, it's a dream. This is just a dream", he repeated over and over, panting louder and louder.

"No it's not. This is real. You're here. You're with us". Scott said, reassuring his best friend. He stood stiff though like he didn't know what to do, I'm sure Scott's seen many of Stiles' panic attack but this must've been different he fumbled trying to find the right things to say. "Okay, what do you do. I mean like, how do you tell if you're awake or dreaming".

"Fingers, you count your fingers. You have extra fingers on your dreams", he lifted his hand up but it was shaking vigorously, he wouldn't be able to count them.

"Okay, so let's count your fingers together". I held his shaking hand and pointed at each individual finger, counting each one. "Count with me Stiles".

"Seven... eight... n-nine... ten".

His breathing became more controlled, the realisation that this is reality finally starting to sink in. He looked at me then back at his fingers, before stumbling backwards. Scott caught him and placed him down on the floor, against the wall. I knelt down beside him as he frustratedly placed his head in his hands.

"What the hell is happening to me?"

"We'll figure it out, you're going to be okay. Both of you". I said in hopes to reassure them but I didn't know if it was the truth.

Stiles clearly saw right through me. "Are we?" He shook his head and leant it backwards, resting it on the wall behind him. "Scott can't transform, Allison is being haunted by her dead aunt and I'm straight up losing my mind. We can't do this. We can't... we can't help Malia. We can't help anyone".

I didn't know what to say. Sometimes I wish I knew what to say to make someone feel better but most of the time my mind is blank because they have a point.

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