Chapter 19 - The Downfall of an Alpha

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It had been a few days after our traumatic night at the Glen Capri. No one spoke about that night, I'm sure most people tried to repress it, I don't blame them.

I was walking through the hallways at school, when I saw an unusual face walking towards what used to be Mr Harris' office; Cora Hale. She slipped into the room, checking to see if anyone was watching her clearly she didn't do a good enough job as she didn't notice me. Why the hell was she here? I'm pretty sure she doesn't go here. Does she? I'm not going to stand about, I'm going to go and find out. Going through the same door wouldn't be subtle and she would notice but if I go through the chemistry classroom and went to his office that way, then she wouldn't notice me. I felt like a spy, sneaking into the classroom. I tiptoed around the tables and towards the office, slowly opening the door. Cora was speaking to someone, well I say talking it sounded more like threatening.

"Which means if I catch you here with him again, I'm not going pull the fire alarm, I'm going to pull your tongue out of your head", Cora snarled.

"Sweetheart, my last boyfriend was a homicidal lizard". That's Lydia! Cora is threatening Lydia? I don't think so. "So I think I can handle a werewolf". There was a bit of ruffling as I think Lydia was trying to get past Cora. "Let go".

Hearing this I swung the door open, to see Cora grabbing Lydia's arm. "She said let go", I said aggressively walking towards the two girls. Cora growled for a second before letting go of Lydia's arm.

I felt someone move behind me, oh lord I hope it isn't coach. "What is going on here?" Thankfully I heard Stiles voice from behind me.

"Nothing", Cora responded, Stiles squinted his eyes then shook his head.

"Whatever, Lydia we need your help", stiles anxiously rubbed the back of his neck.

"Umm okay", Lydia said apprehensively, Stiles gestured us all to follow him into the Chemistry classroom.

We sat on one of the tables, Cora for some reason joining us yet that wasn't the weirdest thing as Stiles pulled out an ouija board.

"A Ouija board?", Lydia sneered, flicking her hair over her shoulders.

"Yes, Scott's boss has been taken and we need to find him fast. This is also known as a spirit board so it's worth a shot", Stiles explained, placing his fingers on the planchette. A groan slipped from Cora's and Lydia's mouth at the same time.

Stiles seemed desperate so I placed my fingers next to Stiles' and told the girls, "Come on guys, from what I've heard this guy has saved everyone arses on more than one occasion so let's just do this".

Everyone placed their fingers on the planchette, we waited in silence for a few moments. After a few awkward glances to one another, Stiles decided to ask a question. "Where is Dr. Deaton?"

We all stared at Lydia waiting for some kind of answer but she didn't have one. "What?"

"Are you going to answer it?" Stiles nodded towards the board.

"Oh I don't know the answer".

A wave of groans travelled through the group, it was hopeless. "I don't think this is going to work Stiles, is that anything else we can try?"

He fiddled in his jean pocket and pulled out a keychain with a bunch of keys on it. "These are Deaton's keys, close your eyes and I'm going to put them in your hand. We will try and see if you can feel his location, it's called psychometry".

"I'm not a psychic", Lydia said bluntly.

"You're something", Stiles snapped, he bit his lip trying to calm himself down. He drops the keys into Lydia's hand, she closed her hand around the keys and moved her fingers over them, trying to get something from them.

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