Chapter 44 - The Chemist

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Was kissing Alfie a good idea? Probably not but would I do it again? In a heartbeat. With Stiles everything felt so slow but with Alfie it was the opposite and I was enjoying that. I liked how separate he was to the supernatural world, when I was with him I felt free.

Being at school on a Saturday felt wrong but we had to do the PSAT. Except Lydia who obviously had took her test as a freshman, I wouldn't have expected anything less. There was on Martin in the building though, Ms. Martin, Lydia's mother was monitoring the exam. I pressed my thumb in the ink pad, wetting it. Then I placed it on my answer sheet, it was a requirement to make sure we didn't make other people to take the test for us. Ms. Martin held an envelope open to me with the number 14 on it. I placed my phone in an envelope then she sealed it and placed it in a box. The chemist, as he called himself, handed me my answer sheet and I took my seat behind Kira. There was a bit of a delay when starting the exam. There had to be two teachers monitoring the class, the other teach was Coach but he hadn't of arrived yet. Ms. Martin disappeared for a while then came back with Mr. Yukimura, Kira's dad.

I rubbed my temples in hopes that would magically give me the answers to the test. I was a great student I just didn't do so well under pressure. Most of my answers were guesses especially on the maths portion of the test. I could tell the stress was getting to a few students around the class, malia was breathing far too heavily, it was almost distracting. Even Kira shook her head a few times in frustration. I glanced my eyes over to Alfie who sat back in his seat being his usual calm self. He twirled his pencil between his fingers before dropping it to the paper and scribbling. I'm sure if he was to look behind as me he wouldn't see the same as I do. I could feel my face burn up as I started to sweat, I was overthinking and stressing. I would've excused myself if it wasn't for Sydney suddenly fainting onto the floor. She was sat next to me and accidentally brushed her arm against my leg on her way down. I looked down to see red and white welts all over her arms.

Ms. Martin rushed over to Sydney, holding her by her arm and helping her up. "Sydney are you alright?"

She took her arm from Ms. Martin and sheepishly brushed her hair down. "Yeah just feel dizzy", She replied weakly.

"Sydney how long have you had this?" She motioned to the welts on her arms.

"I don't know".

"Ms. Martin, do I need to stop the test?" The Chemist got out of his seat to ask.

"No, um it's fine", she muttered, she walked to the front of the class. "Everyone stay in your seats I'll be back in a minute", she announced before leaving the room in a hurry.

Sydney held her arm, looking horrified at her welts. It looked like it was growing every second, she noticed I was looking over so I quickly averted my eyes to my test. I lingered my pencil over the C bubble, I hadn't of scribbled out in for a while, not knowing if it's the right answer I filled it in.

"Get back! No. Get back inside", my heart skipped as Ms. Martin shouted. I looked up to see her running through the hallway, chasing students away. A bunch of students got up from their seats and went out into the hallway, leaving behind their unfinished test. Scott, Malia and Stiles were among them, I held back knowing they'd be coming back in and instead looked to where Alfie was sat. He felt my eyes on him and looked back to grin at me, flashing his matching dimples. I turned my head away wanting to hide my blushing cheeks.

I was right Ms. Martin ordered everyone back to the classroom. The test was on hold, the chemist came around collecting our papers and placing them at his desk. I got out of my seat and joined my friends who congressed at the back of the class.

"Do we know what's going on?" I asked, huddling between Kira and Stiles.

"From what I can gather, Ms. Martin thinks there's a virus going around and called the CDC". He knitted his brows together focusing in on her conversation with the chemist.

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